View Full Version : The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society

09-15-03, 10:03 PM
T.A.R.A.S is a provincially registered, non-profit organization, which was formed in 1984 to help povide a network of information for anyone interested in reptiles and amphibians. Our goal is to promote education, conservation and responsible pet ownership by offering a wide range of resources that deal with the proper care of these fascinating, but specialized, animals.

Members recieve our quarterly "Bulletin" which is full of articles on reptile care, scientific papers, classified ads and a list of current T.A.R.A.S executive, any of whom will do their best to answer questions members may have.

T.A.R.A.S also offers members a number of events, including reptile shows, field trips, slide shows, BBQ's and parties. These events are a great opportunity for members to meet others who hold similar interests. To join TARAS just phone Tammy Baergen at 403-272-2685 and I can direct you to the website where you can find the application form. Or you can send along your Name, Address, Phone Number, and E-mail address. Make sure you add if it is a family or single membership along with a cheque to the address below.

Single Memberships are $20.00/year and Family $25.00/year

The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society
Box 75092
216 Stewart Green S.W
Calgary, Alberta T3H 3C8

If you have questions concerning the society or memberships you can contact Tammy Baergen at 403-272-2685

Wuntu Menny
09-16-03, 12:04 AM
Well its nice to see TARAS linked to a decent site instead that other one which shall remain nameless!


Greg West
09-16-03, 09:15 AM
You can get most of the information off of the TARAS forums site. It has the coming events, reptile forums, membership application form etc.

The address is http://www.cornelsworld.com/forum

The Main site for TARAS is http://www. k i n g s n a k e . ca/TARAS

make sure to take out all of the spaces.

You will find mostly all of the information on the forum site though.

Greg West