View Full Version : Momma burying pups??

09-15-03, 01:39 PM
I have a rat mom that has 7 or 8 pups that she keeps burying under about 3" to 4" of bedding. They seem to be buried every time I check in on them, about once a day. They seem to be fine, I am just wondering if anyone else has this happen to them? The bedding is shredded paper.


Jungle Jen
09-15-03, 01:43 PM
Sometimes when the adults leave the nest, they bury their babies to keep them safe and warm. As long as they are still nursing the babies, I wouldn't worry.

09-15-03, 01:44 PM
well i no it is normal with mice so im shure it is with rats cuz i used to breed mice and they always buried there pups

09-15-03, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Jungle Jen
Sometimes when the adults leave the nest, they bury their babies to keep them safe and warm. As long as they are still nursing the babies, I wouldn't worry.

Yes, I would agree.

09-15-03, 03:36 PM
I have a nursing momma that does the same thing. It seems pretty normal.