View Full Version : 55Gallon Long Aquriam *pic*

09-14-03, 08:37 PM
Hi all i was wondering what the biggest Boa i could keep in the 55L aquarium...................... ( i posted this on General Boa so if you delete one please delet the one on general boa) Thank you


09-14-03, 09:04 PM
Bad cage to keep any boa in, but if you simply MUST keep a boa in it, turn it on its side and use the top as your opening front. And don't use screen.

A boa that is under 3.5 feet could probably live in that "cage". But agai, it wouldn't be ideal for the snake (the most important factor to think about!!).

09-15-03, 01:04 AM
I would suggest building a cage. I built a very nice 4x2x2 for under 80. Currently my Burm resides in it but when he outgrows it......my female BCI will live in it permantley(unless she exceeds 8ft)

09-15-03, 09:59 AM
ok kool thx i as just wondering i guess i wont put a boa in it...... but what do you think i could put in it ?

Colonel SB
09-15-03, 12:33 PM
They are not wide enough for a large boa!

09-15-03, 01:19 PM
so i could proly keep a few adult corns in it or somthing?

09-15-03, 01:27 PM
i have a 40 gallon tank that looks very similar to that one..do you guys think when my ball python gets bigger it can live in it?

09-15-03, 01:32 PM
The length of the enclosure has to be @ least half the size of whatever breed snake you are housing.

09-15-03, 01:48 PM
yes your bp could be set for life in a 25g long or high the only grow to be about 4 ft long and mabey 5 or 6" around

09-15-03, 02:23 PM
and mines a male so he will be considerably smaller so im good! :D thanks!

09-15-03, 02:28 PM

09-17-03, 09:32 PM
I thought it wasn't a good idea to house multiple snakes together. As per the post earlier "a few adult corns". Just my 2 cents, others will know for sure.

09-17-03, 09:41 PM
Yea the best thing is to build there house... just so that you control the size and yes its house should be atleast hafe the size of the snake, also building is very unexpencive :) also unexpencive.