View Full Version : mouse sizing

09-14-03, 07:34 PM
:) ok what is the sizing of mice
ie pinkie/fuzzie/hopper/adult ?>(
does it go by age ie
;days old
by look IE
or by wieght
please advise thank you

09-14-03, 08:13 PM
Pretty much by look/age...

Pinkies: no hair, eyes closed
Fuzzies: little bit of hair, eyes closed
Hopper: full coat of hair, eyes open, completely mobile, soon to be or recently weaned
Adult: enough said

There is no set standard. It varies from place to place.

09-15-03, 08:52 AM
ok thanks for the help Linds

09-15-03, 09:01 AM
Very well said Lindsay

09-15-03, 09:42 AM
yer i keep getting small adults, or big hoppers sold to me as adults, tis really anoying

09-15-03, 10:36 AM
yes king thats what i was running into to
thats why i started raising them myself
I get to pick the size i want then sell the rest off to the pet store
so now i was wondering about the sizing so i dont sell them the wrong size lol
Linds gave me the easiest way of determining the size thanks again Linds

09-15-03, 12:06 PM

09-16-03, 11:35 AM
a site i found was
it has a nice explanation and pics of sizes
but Linds explanation is a little easier to use
just thought i'd post this one for others to try
............thanks Lance....................