View Full Version : Boa shedding gone a bit wrong.

09-14-03, 01:41 PM
My 3.5ft Boa shed today, it was all in bits & took us hours to get all the skin off. When we eventually did get him cleaned up, he developed a whitish, sticky patch down his back.

What happened for him to shed so badly & what is this whitish, sticky patch? The patch seems to annoy him when it's touched. I don't think it could be a burn.

09-14-03, 01:57 PM
Whats the humidity like? Next time spray the cage like 3 times a day with HOT water, and don't handle him at all, you'll have better results. I've never heard of the sticky white patch thing.

09-14-03, 02:04 PM
add a humid hide when he goes blue

09-16-03, 06:24 AM
Thanks to those of you who answered my question. I'll keep this mind for the next time he starts to shed.

Since I cleaned him up, I have noticed that the scales on his belly have started coming off & it's leaving a pinkish sore looking patch underneath the scales. I'm pretty sure he hasn't got mites, but this is a bit worrying. I will try to post pics if I can get my Digital camera working with windowsXP :(.

Other than trouble with him shedding & now this scale ripping thing, He seems quite comtent to be handled & is his usual self.

Thanks again for your help.


10-08-03, 11:13 AM
Ozzy has shed again since I last posted, This time I took advice & he shed perfect. Thanks all.

10-09-03, 09:31 PM
Great to hear that it worked for you. I'm always quite pleased when the kids have a perfect shed. :)