View Full Version : Ball habits....

09-14-03, 08:38 AM
My ball seems to spend most of his time outside of his hide...

I have the UTH under the hide and the water dish on the other side of his 10 gal tank...he does go back and forth often, but mostly he stays out...

The in-tank temp is generally around 88...

Is this normal for him to spend most of his time out like that? I hear most balls like to hide.

09-14-03, 08:51 AM
The ball I use to have use to hide along side of the water cat box. The only time he really roamed was @ night (Not to often) and when it came to feedings.

09-14-03, 09:27 AM
i have a bp that is always in his hide and i have one that is never in the hide it is always wondering around i think it has STAR GAZERS disese lol

09-14-03, 09:47 AM
mine spends most time in her hide box(es), she does change from hidebox every... 3 hours or so... but only comes out to roam around at night

09-14-03, 09:54 AM
every once in a while i'll see my ball chillin on top of his log or in a bush, but only actively slithers around during the daytime when he is hungry.

ps--how long is your snake? a 10gal will get small pretty fast :D

09-14-03, 11:03 AM
he (or she) is right around 2 ft now (don't know the metric, y'all - SORRY!) and is eating like a champ....never missed a meal since I got it..

I plan to upgrade to a 20gal soon....but I'm going to bump food from adult mice to small rats first....

I wish I had a way to post a pic...he's a great specimen...

09-14-03, 11:41 AM
Maybe you could try putting another hide in there on a spot where the UTH isn't laying?

Both of mine stay in their hides pretty much all day (and come out to roam at night) - but they do not stay in the hide where the heat tape is below.

Balls do like to hide so I wonder if maybe it's just too hot there with the UTH underneith.

09-14-03, 11:49 AM
There are a few problems with your husbandry. To start with, I am guessing he is staying out of the hide because it is too hot under there, what is the temperature on the hot end? My guess would be that your temperatures are too high. Eighty eight is a little high for an ambient temperature should be from 80-85. The hot side around 92. A 10 gallon is probably too small. How big is your UTH and how much space does it take up on the 10 gallon?Finally rather then getting a 20 gallon, get a rubbermaid. They work wonders with ball pythons. You should also have a hide on the cool side.

09-14-03, 12:48 PM
How long have you had him. I know when I first got my bp he would be out of his hides a LOT but he eventually setteled down and hid more, he did this again when I moved him into a bigger cage too.

09-14-03, 05:36 PM
if you're upgrading tanks, don't upgrade to a 20gal. I'd go for at least a 30, maybe a 40...it will be more comfortable for a full-grown snake, and the price difference isn't extraordinary. Rubbermaids *do* hold humidity better, though.

09-14-03, 05:47 PM
And are much more convenient. They are lighter, have secure lids, much cheaper, etc etc...

09-14-03, 06:29 PM
The only problem I have with Rubbermaids is their show quality...

I like my ball in a glass tank so everyone can see how beautiful he is...without having to remove the lid or take him out to disturb his slumber...


At his length (as mentioned, a tad under 2ft), do you think I should bump him up to small rats or keep him on the adult mice and feed him more than once a week?

09-15-03, 06:40 PM
GO to small rats. One prey item is easier on the digestive system than 2. Also, I like to see my snakes, if God forbid one is sick, I look at them every time I go in the room, so easier to keep an eye out. Also can spot a mess easier. I have never had a problem with humidity in a glass tank, always have had good sheds. I would also recommend a 30 or even a 40 breeder. That will last your BP his whole life.

09-16-03, 12:01 AM
Do you mean the overall temp is 88 degrees? Your ball should have a gradient of 78/80 - 90/92 degrees. He needs a warm side and cool side to be able to thermoregulate. To check these temps you also need either a temp gun or a digital thermometer w/ remote probe... those stick on things are garbage and only measure air temps, not surface temps. Sounds like your guy is too warm. Also, if you use hides its important to use two. One on the warm side and one on the cool side so he doesn't have to choose security over comfort.

09-16-03, 05:29 AM
Think my BP has 'ants in his pants' cos he's always out and about exploring and climbing (and falling!!) lol!!
As others have mentioned checked your temps, the ambient temperature does sound like it's a little on the warm side. Also if the tank is only 10 gal then its not as easy to get the warm spot at a high enough temperature as well have having a cool spot at the correct temp. The bigger the viv the easier it is to get a better thermal gradient, 30/40 gal viv seem to be the most popular sizes.

09-16-03, 03:11 PM
If you have only one or two snakes,
go ahead and get a 55 gallon. Just dont "room" them together. If you have multiple snakes, get a rubbermaid.

One hide is good, two is better. My
bp is always active. And he likes baths.

The reason you should go ahead and
get a big tank is so you dont spend as
much on upgrading. I start with 20gal,
then depending on how fast its growing, I get the 55gal.

One of my bps got to be 6.2 feet, so
it was kept in a 70gal, which I sold.