View Full Version : swiss & swiss webster??

09-11-03, 02:32 PM
Which are more common mice, swiss or swiss webster mice? Diferencies in litters between those two?

09-12-03, 07:18 AM
I've never heard of Swiss mice, only Swiss Websters, so I would think Swiss Websters (well at least out North America ways...) would be the more common of the two. Sorry I cannot be of help in terms of litter size, the only inbred strain I have worked with is ICR mice.

09-12-03, 10:13 PM
They are one and the same strain. Swiss mice are short for swiss webster.

The litters vary depending on where they are from. Swiss from a good lab normally give 14-16 pinkies. Some give more, some give less.

If you are buying them from someone other than a lab, your guess is as good as any. Inbreeding, adding non-swiss blood, poor breeding habits can all reduce the amount of production from any given female