View Full Version : A few Crocodilian pics.....

John White
09-11-03, 11:54 AM
Albino American Alligator

Gator Lunch

Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman


09-11-03, 11:59 AM
Albino gators are so cool!!!


Skink Keeper
09-11-03, 12:37 PM
Those are nice pics. where were they taken? Thanks for sharing.

John White
09-11-03, 04:39 PM
Thanks! The photos were taken at various locations.

09-11-03, 04:54 PM
VERY NICE! What camera do u use?

09-11-03, 04:57 PM
Nice gators! That albino is so cool

09-11-03, 04:57 PM
wow, those are awesome pics!!!

John White
09-11-03, 05:56 PM

I use Nikon equipment both digital and standard SLR camera bodies.

09-11-03, 06:19 PM
Nice to see a familiar face, though you may not know who I am.. Anyway, how do you get such great pics of the Paleosuchus'? Mine always come out very dark no matter where I am at and the animals are just a plad grey/black. Xain

09-11-03, 06:25 PM
That 3rd pic is awesome!! Looks like exactly like a Mini- Dragon

09-11-03, 06:57 PM
great pics!...nice smiles!:D

Scales Zoo
09-11-03, 07:17 PM
I usually don't make posts that say "Wow Great pictures", but I will make an exception this one time.

Wow Great pictures!

Those are really good quality pictures, and I really like the photo subjects.

You wouldn't happen to have a really good picture of a trigonatus to compare with the cuviers would you?


John White
09-12-03, 05:17 AM
Originally posted by Scales Zoo
I usually don't make posts that say "Wow Great pictures", but I will make an exception this one time.

Wow Great pictures!

Those are really good quality pictures, and I really like the photo subjects.

You wouldn't happen to have a really good picture of a trigonatus to compare with the cuviers would you?



I made a mistake. My original post included both trigonatus and palpebrosus but I assume due to post size constraints I could only post three photos. The third photo is a juvenile trigonatus and not palpebrosus as labeled.

I'll have to check to see if I have any good photos depicting the differences between the two species Paleosuchus. In the mean time here's a pic of an adult palpebrosus.

John White
09-12-03, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by KrokadilyanGuy3
Nice to see a familiar face, though you may not know who I am.. Anyway, how do you get such great pics of the Paleosuchus'? Mine always come out very dark no matter where I am at and the animals are just a plad grey/black. Xain


I take a lot of bad pics of Paleosuchus (and everything else) and occasionally get a good one.
Sorry, I do not recognize your handle.

09-12-03, 05:29 AM
I was justa bout to post that your origional pic looked much more trigonatus like than palpebrosus.

Very nice shots.

Do you work with these animals?

John White
09-12-03, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by NiagaraReptiles
I was justa bout to post that your origional pic looked much more trigonatus like than palpebrosus.

Very nice shots.

Do you work with these animals?

In the past I've worked with the following species at various levels: Alligator mississippiensis, Alligator sinensis, Caiman crocodilus, Paleosuchus palpebrosus, Paleosuchus trigonatus, Crocodylus johnstoni, Crocodylus mindorensis, Crocodylus moreletii, Crocodylus niloticus, Crocodylus rhombifer, Gavialis gangeticus.

In the near future, I hope to work with Osteolaemus tetraspis and Crocodylus cataphractus.

Scales Zoo
09-12-03, 04:12 PM
Thanks for posting a picture of the "other dwarf kind"

I've confused myself between the two, from various pictures in books and on the net. Your pictures are really great feel free to send any pictures you have of them to me at scaleszoo@sasktel.net - I would really appreciate it.

I am very happy you found ssnakess.com, I'm a big fan of crocodillians, I suspect you can teach me quite a bit.

I've checked your other pictures on the other forums, all, very great pictures - that one of the weird spider really made my wife squirm.


John White
09-12-03, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Scales Zoo
Thanks for posting a picture of the "other dwarf kind"

I've confused myself between the two, from various pictures in books and on the net. Your pictures are really great feel free to send any pictures you have of them to me at scaleszoo@sasktel.net - I would really appreciate it.

I am very happy you found ssnakess.com, I'm a big fan of crocodillians, I suspect you can teach me quite a bit.

I've checked your other pictures on the other forums, all, very great pictures - that one of the weird spider really made my wife squirm.


Thanks, Ryan.
Regarding the dwarf caimans you my find this link useful: The Paleosuchus Page. (http://crocodilian.com/paleosuchus/)


09-18-03, 10:24 PM
John, I noticed you had a pic of a croc for dummies book on your pic site. I was wondering if you are writing one or were you just fooling around when you posted it on *******.. Also, I am the guy that Brian doesnt like on ******* Reptilefreak19.. Xain

09-19-03, 05:31 PM
Great pics of course. :) I absolutely love crocodiles, I'm quite fond of the Caimans myself. Do you have a website that contains a portfolio of all your photography?

John White
09-20-03, 01:55 AM
Originally posted by KrokadilyanGuy3
John, I noticed you had a pic of a croc for dummies book on your pic site. I was wondering if you are writing one or were you just fooling around when you posted it on *******.. Also, I am the guy that Brian doesnt like on ******* Reptilefreak19.. Xain

The "Croc for Dummies" book was just a joke.
I don't care who likes or dislikes who, keep track of or involve myself in site "politics".

09-26-03, 07:56 PM
Excellent pics!!! Just out of curiosity how rare are albino gators? Are they available for purchase or only for zoos and such. I have seen an albino spec caimen (tried to buy it, guy wouldn't sell....*******) but have never seen an albino gator, just awesome!!! Is it yours?

09-26-03, 08:16 PM
I forgot to mention that the gator lunch had to be fave of your pics, that RULES!