View Full Version : "Cult" Classics

09-10-03, 01:27 PM
I watched Spinal Tap again the other night (I just love that movie) so I started wondering about cult classics (the not-so-mainstream movies that have developed a huge following)... which one is YOUR fav?

(I have posted all of them that I can think of from the top of my head but I am sure I dont have them all)

09-10-03, 01:34 PM
Rocky Horror Picture Show all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that movie

09-10-03, 01:37 PM

09-10-03, 01:45 PM
Damn... I forgot Revenge of the nerds!!!!

09-10-03, 01:48 PM
I like spinal tap & the crow


09-10-03, 01:53 PM
I'm a fan of the Evil Dead series

Tim and Julie B
09-10-03, 01:53 PM
Dazed and Confused! Has to be one or the Big Laboski(sp?). People that love that movie know every word. On Tony Hawks pro tour he went to the actual bowling alley, had white Russians and quoted lines the whole time. Too funny. You forgot all the Horror movies. Those cheezy horror movies. Nazi Zombie surfers must Die. Blood sucking Nazi Zombies. Are just a few. The are so bad you laugh the whole way through. They are the best comedies every made! :D TB

Oh and lets not forget Creepshow!

09-10-03, 02:09 PM
I love them all, but, I had to go with the Crow as my top fave. A close second would be the Evil Dead/Army Of Darkness Trilogy and third place would be The Princess Bride.

09-10-03, 02:24 PM
Was a bit of a tough choice for be but I ended up voting the Evil Dead series, they are just too great!

Other close comer was Slapshot, another great. I particularly love the french Quebec translated version, it's hilarious! The only translated movie that I like and actually prefer that way!


09-10-03, 02:27 PM
Rocky Horror Picture Show! Oh man... that movie was so bad that it was great! It's so fun making fun of it :p

09-10-03, 02:27 PM
I've only ever seen one of them, so it wasn't so difficult to decide.

09-10-03, 02:35 PM
Bah! Its a tossup between Rocky Horror and Evil Dead for me :D

09-10-03, 02:37 PM
A close call, I love the Jay & Silent Bob movies and The Crow, but Evil Dead is #1

09-10-03, 02:51 PM

Agreed Creepshow is great. I just bought creepshow 2 a few weeks back.

What about Puppet Masters wouldn't that be one also.

09-10-03, 03:40 PM
The Crow is my favorite movie of all time, bar none, so that was an easy choice for me. The Princess Bride is most definitely on my top 5 list. (Hence why I insisted on naming 2 f our Kenyans Westley and Buttercup, hehehe)

09-10-03, 03:42 PM
The Crow is my favorite of the list. I think you can add Fast Times At Ridgemont High to the list of cult classics.

09-10-03, 04:01 PM
Dark City or Apocalypse Now (maybe Forest Gump) would get my vote for the ones I could watch again and again

09-11-03, 08:13 AM
What about Porky's!!!!

I went with Jay and Silent Bob. Those guys are hilarious!


09-11-03, 10:20 AM
Though I am a big fan of Kevin Smith's work, and I love Army of Darkness, I 'm going to have to go with anything ever made my Russ Meyer.

09-11-03, 04:58 PM
The crow!!!! Amazing movie for its time!!!! :) definitly one of my top 5 movies!! i know it line for line, sad eh? ;)

09-11-03, 05:03 PM
jay and bob rule!! the crow also rules

09-11-03, 05:03 PM
I voted for Strange Brew, Hillarious movie! I'm Just dissapointed no one voted for the Spinal Tap movie :(

09-11-03, 05:29 PM
Rocky Horror, no doubt! You can tell the youngster from the old timers by the classic they select.

09-11-03, 05:36 PM
Oh boy... come look in my closet and you'll see cult classics. My family and I attended an ... expo, if you will... called "Monster Bash." We attended each year for about 5 or 6 years. They're held in Pennsylvania, usually... That's where Forrest J. Ackerman let me wear Bela Lugosi's famous ring ;) ... he hadn't even let his granddaughter wear it yet. *So Special* ... Anyway, I voted Strange Brew, just because I love Bob & Doug, eh?

Looking over my shoulder, a few 'classics'...

Manos: Hands of Fate
Bloodfeast (<---WICKED...'have you ever had... an Egyptian FEAST?!')
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
Massacre Up North

Just to name a very small few !!

09-11-03, 05:43 PM

09-11-03, 07:11 PM
Evil dead for sure man.

and the crow is also good.

09-11-03, 07:19 PM
What about Porky's!!!!
I agree, Porky's kicks @ss. Animal house is a classic I could watch over and over again as well. And one more I could think to add to the list is Pulp Fiction.