View Full Version : Sigh, what to do?
Solid Snake
09-09-03, 08:44 PM
After hours of research, i found a company that finaly interested and wanted to interview me. I was looking for an a apprenticeship(electrician) and i was really looking for for one. Today i went to the interview and well... they said they didn't need me because i was too young and have no experience.
well now, im back on the PC to do some more research... but will i wind up like i did today with another employer? How do people start off? I mean, i'm 19 and of course i dont have any experience in the field. I dont get why i actually got an interview anyway. I hate when i get my hopes up and it crumbles at the spot.
I also went to a place for job connection(some sort of agency), they say they're going to help me find a job and it could take a year. Sigh... This is going to be a waste of a year. My life is turning from bad to worse...
Have you had any formal training in the field? Typically apprenticeships are handed out to those in some sort of specialized schooling for it such as college certification programs. The school can arrange for an apprencticeship, and often there is option for hire when it is done.
Bryce Masuk
09-09-03, 09:36 PM
You can get a appenticeship before you get out of High School With No experiance at all.I know 5 people who are already in this boat You work 1day at school 1 day at your job If you get your 470 hours i think it is you get 16 extra credits as well as 1000 bucks.But since your past that time a connection is what you need Wildly searching for a job when you have no experiance will do jack all Ask anyone you know if they know someone who does the trade you want and get them to hook you up.
A friend is the way into trades or you can Spend money on collage if you want but if your smart you will just work you *** off at marketing yourself and calling all your favors and skip that Crap you will be sent to a collage after Every year You work though to do book learning
09-09-03, 09:58 PM
A Vo-Tech is the cheapest way to go, and it's free everywhere I know about if you are still in school. A friend of mine went to one on electrician his Jr and Sr. yr of school, and the schooling costed him nothing and he went straight into a job after graduation. So there was no lose, as did a friend wanting to be an auto techician.
Man chill out. You did ONE interview and your life is "from bad to worse" ??? Honestly, you could be in FAR worse shape. You should be THANKFUL you even got an interview. It didn't work out, that's too bad for them, but now you keep plugging along until you get that job.
Just because one place says it will be a year that's no reason to up and say "oh well next year will be a waste"
Come on dude, get positive. One interview is not enough to judge the rest of your life and career on. You are only 19. RELAX, SMILE AND Keep going to more interviews!
Good call Marisa! It's going to take time. Maybe you should consider taking some classes just to give you a boost of experience. Think of anyone you know who works in that field and ask them lots of quesitons. I've found that having connections helps a ton! Good luck and keep your head up pal!
09-10-03, 08:25 PM
get on with a construction company while you are looking. it will help the resume. look at local home builders who need labourers. While there, you develop contacts. that's how my brother started his PipeFitter Apprentice.
There is an apprentice website, though i'm not sure if it's exclusive to the Hamilton area. Can't think of hte name, but If I do, I will post it.
cheers, and good luck.
I'm currently in gtade 12 and doing my hours to get registered. I' out 2 day a week for a a year and after this it knocks about 1 year off my final time. You don't need any experiance to get signed but te catch is that knowone seems to want people with no expeariance but you can't get any because people won't take you. It took me 2 interviews and a lot of phone alls before someone would take me. It just takes time and a lot of effort to get in. You should also look at the smaller guys since they seem in general willing to train new people. Also you I believe you can't get into collage until you are signed.
Solid Snake
09-11-03, 08:25 PM
found a school dedicated to Skilled Trades. I'm so happy today i found it at the right time. Once i found the school, i called and there was a free session going on. I went, did the assessment test (he said i did good) and they said i will be recieving a call 7-10 days. And start date is Nov.15.
whoo hoo... theres 19weeks of In-Class and 17 Weeks of Paid work placement.
Thanks for all the encouragement!
Edit - Funny how my job agency didn't find it. I had to do it myself. :( How do these job agency's work anyway???? Do they actually look?
Lots of luck with the class. Let us know how it goes.
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