View Full Version : Success with CGD

09-09-03, 08:37 PM
I finally got my cresties to feed on CDG regularly, im so excited... All it took was a little time. Just wanted to share with everyone!!!


09-10-03, 12:58 AM
Those stuff are great, the two cresties I originally got grew so much faster after they start eating CDG. I mix the solution with baby fruit so I have no problem getting them to eat it.

09-10-03, 08:32 AM
OOH, OOH, question- while you were waiting for them to eat it, did you feed them crickets? or just let them go hungry? I really want mine to eat it, but they seem to ignore it. please tell me what you did...I mix it with babyfood fruits, but it is always there in the morning, but if i leave regular fruit, lie peaches, they eat the fruit.

09-10-03, 02:58 PM
Well you can go about this in a couple of ways, i recommend that you mix it with babyfood, and everynight, take your cresty out and put a little bit on his/her nose so he/she licks it a gets a taste of it. Also try not feeding them crickets during this, unless you want your crested to eat both, but i only want mine on the diet. All it really takes is time, hope this helps, GOOD LUCK!!!


09-11-03, 02:26 AM
I feed them CGD on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, crickets on Monday and Wednesday and mealies on Friday.

09-11-03, 09:50 AM
still need to pick some up, mine put on it right away by robert so i shouldnt have a problem gettin him to eat it

09-11-03, 11:30 AM
Hey RaVeNo888o, Your avatar looks awesome! How did you do that?



09-11-03, 02:03 PM
welllll.....i used photshop and changed around soms stuff and i ended up with everything black, except for the white border lines, so i made a negative of that, so i had all white with black lines.. Then i made the picture into a 'Stamp' so that it looks like something u could stamp in black in.
Then i just coloured it by 'hand' in paintshop. im still not sure what to do about my face,, i might just leave it white and make a background colour.

i cant even remember how i got it to go all black with white lines :( cause i wanted to do it to some more pics

09-11-03, 02:09 PM
acutally, i played around with it some more and u can skip all that first stuff and just make the pic into a stamp right away. it depends on the pic, i tried it with one and there were too many lines, with the pic i used i ended up with just outline so it worked really well