View Full Version : Question- snake clumps

09-09-03, 02:36 PM
I’m not wanting to start a debate whether or not housing snakes of different breeds together is good or not. But regardless of breed, is there a reasoning as to why snakes will curl up on another and just sit there and chill? There can be rocks, hidey holes, sticks, whatever around them, but my snakes will always choose to lay on each other (in a non-sexy way). I was just curious why. There are so many people who say that snakes don’t get lonely or really don’t have preferences/feelings for one another, but yet they tend to stick around each other all the time. Anyone have a reasoning for this?


09-09-03, 02:39 PM
I would assume conserving warmth? They probably realize they dont cool off as fast when snuggled up.

09-09-03, 06:21 PM
Yep, that's what I'd say. I used to have a bookmark to a study on whether snakes were "social" or not that said they don't show any strong preference between curling up with a live snake or a "rice snake" made from stitching socks together, stuffing them with rice, then warming it in the microwave. As long as it's warm, they are happy whether or not it's actually a snake.

Grant vg
09-09-03, 07:05 PM
eyespy, if you find that link again, please pm me with it :D

09-10-03, 09:54 AM
I would like that link , too. I thought it was for warmth also but one of my groups is always together & the other group never is. Strange.

09-10-03, 11:12 AM
If there's one good spot to be in the cage at any one particular moment in time, it doesn't matter if there are 200 snakes in the cage. They will all want to be in that spot. And they want to be there from a thermoregulatory/hiding point of view, NOT from actually wanting to laying around and chillin' with the other snakes!

House snakes individually.