View Full Version : Monitor relocation update

Scales Zoo
09-08-03, 08:21 PM
The water monitor has settled into his redecorated cage in a new place.

I put 2 rats in with him last night, and 2 hours later when I checked on them, they were gone, and he was back in his pond.

Today he is burried in the leaves on the warm side of the cage. When he comes out and climbs up a branch, I will take pictures.

We are using a non ballested mercury vapor lamp for day light, and since we have switched him (9 months now), his yellows have really become bright.

I think I will use one of these, and 2 4' verilux for each crocodile monitor enclosure.

The triple pained patio doors that we were going to use as the glass on the enclosures is not going to be ready in time for their arrival. It was a very good idea (Sheila's last minute great idea - we are now collecting patio doors for the future)

We are going to build 4 peices of shelving glass into th front's of each enclosure for now. We can always renovate later.

We have found rough cut slabs to use on the walls.

We are having intermintant difficulties with the digi cam, so we will be posting pictures as soon as possible.

Ryan and Sheila

Steeve B
09-08-03, 08:39 PM
We have found rough cut slabs to use on the walls.

Hello guys, can you tell me what is this material?

Scales Zoo
09-08-03, 09:30 PM
It is non treated poplar (non toxic to reptiles), cut into strips (planks) It will protect the cage walls, be somewhat natural for the monitors and the people who look at them, as well as give us something to screw the climbing logs, ledges, and branches too.

I would have really liked to get some patio doors to use as the fronts of the cages. If I would have known that we wouldn't get them today, the cage could have been built over the weekend.

As I said, we can always upgrade the cage in the spring. We are going to have to put the monitors in temporary caging while we attatche the outside summer lounge to the indoor caging.

I noticed you used chainlink as a seperator. We think we will do the same, and have some standard chain link (2 inch), but also have access to some 1 inch chain. Do they clmb on it much?

I'm afraid they will hurt themselves. or tear claws with chainlink.

Ryan and Sheila