View Full Version : a little ... weird

09-08-03, 07:01 PM
ok .. so i am using the approx head width method of feeding max his bug ... i am a little confused tho!
i gave him 5 saturday morning ... he ate them in 15 minutes .. so i gave him 5 more which he ate in 15 minutes also ... then i gave him 5 more and he did eat them i am assuming ... i say eat, however i never saw hm eat them!

i have checked my cage for holes many times and turns out there arent any .. and even if there was, i would be finding crix all over my room! judging my the crix size .. he should only be eating 5ish a day, but i thought 15 was too many! so i decided to lift of the paper towels to see if the had hid underthere, but they didnt! the weirdest thing of all is i giv him about 8 crix now a day, and he isnt 'fat' ... i can still see his ribs a little bit .. barely but a little!

what should i do? trace?
(want the eggs trace? lol .. you gotta come over to get them ;) :) LOL)

09-08-03, 07:06 PM
I am NO expert and I hardly know what I am doing with my one cham but I was under the impression that unless they are overweight, or have other special circustances, they can eat as much as they want until they are full????

I don't know what type of cham you have but I do know my friends young baby vieled was eating a dozen baby crickets a day for awhile there, and Gus my cham can eat like 15-30 in two days although he doesn't eat everyday.

Maybe he was just pigging out?


09-08-03, 07:49 PM
Common sense would lead me to believe that you are not over feeding if Max isn't obese. Once the base of his tale gets circular instead of oval, that is the sure fire sign to tell if he is eating too much. Chameleons should always have visible ribs, they aren't a rolly-polly lizard like a leopard gecko, it's only when there are deep indentations between the ribs you should be concerned. I also thought Max was a younger chameleon, so you should be feeding him more than 5 crickets a day, I can't remember his age though, 5-10 a day for an adult is alright, or every two days, but for a youngin you should be feeding him as much as he'll eat, until the first cricket he has to struggle to get down.

Plus, crickets aren't high in fat, and if he is active he will burn off any extra 'pounds'. If you were feeding him waxworms or mealworms, you'd notice an increase in girth, but crickets are more of an empty shell with some protein, like a lettuce wrap with nothing in it.

As always, I'd advise that you switch to roaches. Orange heads or discoids are a good choice.


09-08-03, 08:04 PM
ooo - i will answer you two in one post ... ooooo - lol

marisa ... gus is a veiled and veiled eat a LOT more than panthers ...

and brock .. i agree, five is not necessarily a lot for a growing panthers HOWEVER thats what connie of arboreal exotics told me wouj;ls be enough!

09-08-03, 10:14 PM
Mmm ok, but your panther won't be as big as some others.


09-09-03, 04:49 AM
i figured as much .. that why i feed about 8 in the mornings ... before i go to school .. and if they are gone, 3 more when i get home :)