View Full Version : problems with Repti-carpet?

09-08-03, 05:55 PM
has anyone had problems with repti carpet? the reason i am asking is, my two babies were catching crickets last night, and sometimes when they grabbed at the crix, they would catch their mouth on the carpet. it only took a few seconds to become unstuck, but i dont think i like that. i might put a different substrate in there, or leave it bare. i don't like the way papertowels look, that is why i have the repti-carpet, which looks nice, and is easy to clean. Anyone else? do they have this problem as adults? thanks. Colleen

09-08-03, 06:44 PM
Hi Colleen, I had the same problem with my baby leos too. They weren't that good at judging the distance to the crix and missed a lot. Trinket got so stuck I had to help her get loose and I started using newspaper right after that. I figured I'd rather look at the newspaper than watch my girls struggle to get loose from the carpet.

09-09-03, 06:52 AM
thanks, Jay. maybe i can find a non stick solution. i was thinking maybe putting tile in the bottom of the tank. maybe linoleum, or some nice ceramic( not the shiny stuff). it would look nicer than papertowel and still be functional. not sure, tho. i might go to the home improvement stores later.

09-09-03, 12:26 PM
I found a solution. i went to Walmart and got this shelf liner stuff. they make some with bubbley stuff, for in your cabinets, etc.. but crumbs can get thru, but i found this one that is a solid, about 1/8 inch thick rubbery stuff, in the color Taupe, which looks like sand. you can cut it to size.


09-09-03, 12:46 PM
I had the same problem w/ one of my snakes. I use newspaper for the snake now but for my geckos i used some slate type tile i found at a hardware store. It looks really nice and easy to clean. I bet the shelfing paper works well!

09-09-03, 03:23 PM
I've been toying with trying linoleum myself. How's the shelf liner working?

09-09-03, 03:33 PM
I've been toying with trying linoleum myself. How's the shelf liner working?

09-09-03, 03:34 PM
Um, please ignore that fuplicate post... I think my computer hiccuped... :)

09-09-03, 03:36 PM
I use slate for baby beardies and baby leos. Easy to clean and looks great. They don't have any problems sliding on it and they get belly heat from the slate tiles.

09-09-03, 03:55 PM
I would say that eco earth stuff. I use it for my 4 leos and they have had no problems. And i dont think it should cause any problmes either

09-09-03, 04:12 PM
That shelf liner.... I wonder if there would be a toxicity issue at all for the geckos. It is a soft rubber subtance, is it not?

09-10-03, 08:27 AM
the shelf liner seems fine, and they actually like running across it. i'm not sure what kind of toxicity issues it would have.

09-10-03, 08:28 AM
Oh, yeah, soft rubbery stuff. the label says it is latex and chemical free and it is non-adhesive.

09-14-03, 05:42 PM
i gave them some crix today for the first time since i had the stuff. you should see them go! they can really hunt well, now. leaping and pouncing! fun to watch! i am glad i switched.