View Full Version : I got my chameleon(need help)

09-08-03, 04:50 PM
i got a chameleon, yesterday at the show, its a nosy panther chameleon, he is very pretty nice blue colour love him, i can see why trace loves chameleons soooooooooo much, WOW there addictting(spelling), i havnt named him yet i soon will. when i was riding home in the car i was like, (i cant believe its in this box). I got him from arboreal exotics as trace suggested, thnaks
I bought him home and i threw in some crikets he didnt eat it so i put them back, and today he only ate one....im not sure if thats a good sign or wut????im guessing he is stressed, cause of his new enviroment. Also when i put him back into his cage, he turns dark dark blue, and when i hold him hes light blue, im not sure if hes mad or not, cause i heard when the colour gets darker the chameleon is angry, when lighter its happy, not sure...but he did drink water tho.
also when i sometimes look at him he is like really really skinny, is he trying to act like a leaf??? he is 2 years old, have not been bred with any females, and he hasnt pooed yet.

09-08-03, 04:59 PM
If your already handling him i suggest you stop. You should give all animals atleast 5 days to calm down at get used to its new environment. Im no cham expert but im pretty sure this counts for ALL aniamls...good luck with the new guy

09-08-03, 05:02 PM
ya u got a good point there, i have stoped handling this morining and let him be, cause when i first got my bearded dragon i couldnt hold him for like 3 days, after they it was ok, but chameleons arnt meant to be held very often anyways, but thanks

09-08-03, 05:10 PM
I know that they are quite easy to stress out so Yeah it was really to early to handle it. He should probably start eating normally in about a 3-5 days. Is he housed in a home made cage, reptarium or a terrarium?

09-08-03, 05:11 PM
its a home made cage with a ficus tree in it and branchs he can climb on

09-08-03, 05:15 PM
Thats good, home made is the way to go ;)

09-08-03, 05:16 PM
ya its true saved me like 50 bucks making my own, and i think i did a pretty good job on it lol

09-08-03, 06:10 PM
Hey Meow! :D

Congratulations on the new chameleon! That's awesome. I know you've been wanting and researching one for a while now. Do you have a camera, because I'd love to see some pics of that handsome man.

I'm a little late coming into this thread, but you've gotten some good advice from the others here. He sounds like he's a little stressed from being in a new home. Sometimes when they are scared they get really skinny and try to hide behind a stick and such, so to me that is normal behaviour. The non-eating is not too much of a concern either, Connie has healthy animals and I'm sure he'll settle in soon and start eating like a champ for you. If he's not eating, he's not going to poop right away either. Just make sure you mist him a few times over the course of the day and make sure he has lots to drink.

You are right, he just needs to calm down so try not to handle him too much for the next week or so. If he's REALLY scared, maybe you could move his cage into a quieter area of the house until he feels a bit more secure.

Again, congrats and good luck with him!



Wuntu Menny
09-09-03, 12:17 AM
Now if one of you wouldn't mind going over and bonking Connie in the forehead for me, that would be cool. I just found out that she's not able to attend the Calgary show for the second time in a row! Instead of coming out here (after all, the west is still the best), she's too busy selling all her best stock to eastern herpers and yanks. WTFIUWT ?!

Oh well, enjoy! We all know she grows the best chams. I'm still working on the octopedal, hyperflatulant, polycephalic morph of the rare Antarctic Chamaeleo penguinensis. When I hatch that first clutch, you'll all sign over your life savings!!


09-09-03, 08:12 AM
I'm still working on the octopedal, hyperflatulant, polycephalic morph of the rare Antarctic Chamaeleo penguinensis. When I hatch that first clutch, you'll all sign over your life savings

Obviously, there is no such thing as an eight legged, farting, C. penguinensis. Any herpetologist worth his cricket knows they only have six legs! ;) That being said, I'll start saving my pennies and stockpiling herring, just in case you are successful. LOL!

Good luck!


Wuntu Menny
09-09-03, 10:58 AM
Don't forget the multiple heads, that's their most endearing trait! And what's with the herring? You should know that C. penguinensis only eat flying fish and larval aardvarks...


09-09-03, 05:49 PM
Wow thats very intrsting lol where can i find fly fish?????:P:P:P