View Full Version : survival chance?

09-08-03, 02:12 PM
Well my *** of a friend had a painted turtle and he just told me he put it in a pond kinda thing behind his house so i told him there is no way it can live so we went back to get it but we didnt find it anywhere. Does anyone think it has a chance of survival. It does come from canada and it is a native animal so it knows how to survive the cold .....right? :confused:

09-08-03, 03:54 PM
Reptiles are instinctual and being native he should be as set as any other wild turtle. He may be more inclined to feedings by humans so he may get a surprise if he ever expects to be fed by a person who hates turtles or something.. My main concern is what kind of pathogens he let loose along with the turtle..

09-08-03, 04:37 PM
thanks but whats a pathogen. The turle was wild caught in the first place so i dont think he will have any problems...hes only been in captivity for maybe a year if not less

09-08-03, 04:42 PM
Any time a turtle or any other animal comes into contact with the human race, it's exposed to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites it would never encounter in its natural environment. Wild release of a captive animal is illegal in many areas because the release exposes the natural population to all those pathogens the turtle encountered during its time with humans. Even if it were only captive for a few days, the risk is there.

Herps should never be taken from the wild unless you know for a fact that they will remain in captivity the rest of their lives unless there's some reason that makes it medically necessary to treat them.

09-08-03, 04:44 PM
DAMN..i wish we found it. that sucks but im almost positive there are no other turtles there so i dont think that poses a risk...

09-09-03, 02:30 PM
If the turtle ends up finding an area to live in, there is most likely going to be more turtles in the same habitat. Therefore there is still a risk.

09-09-03, 05:52 PM
Ok well i understand that but there aint much i can do bout it since i cant find it but do you think it will live?