View Full Version : just wana have a littel fun while learning.

09-08-03, 11:14 AM
Lets have a littel bit of fun and see how weel we know our voacbulary in the herp sence.

We will start easy
so who can tell me what a......

Cloaca is ______________
Hemipenes is ____________
Vestigial limb is ____________

what does the.........

Heat Pit do __________
jacobson's organ do ___________
Stapes do___________

well in joy your reserch I hope you learn somthing new today

Solid Snake
09-08-03, 11:15 AM
heat pits detect heat! whooo answered 1

09-08-03, 11:50 AM
internal organs at the vent, intestines and sex organs, the pair of male reproductive organs, left over legs and pelvic structure, detects heat of things lol but used for hunting, a chemosensory organ(sort of a nose), a stapes is an inner ear bone

09-08-03, 02:12 PM
hemipene is male reproductive organ
cloaca is female reproductive
jacabson's organ is what the snake smells with. the tougue flicks out and then touches the organ and the smells are processed

09-08-03, 05:39 PM
Cloaca is the nickname I have for my brother. Goes right over his head though...

09-08-03, 07:45 PM
I wish I hade a prise good job reverendsterlin.