View Full Version : Leo enclosures.

07-25-02, 07:00 AM
Hi gang,

Can you al post some pics of your leos's tanks, cages, etc...

I'll be posting mine as soon as I get new batteries for my digi cam. I wore them out taking pics of my leos yesterday!

beth wallbank
07-25-02, 08:20 AM
here are a few of my enclosures that I have built for myself and for others. Easy to clean and maintain, and esthetically pleasing.

beth wallbank
07-25-02, 08:21 AM

beth wallbank
07-25-02, 08:22 AM
and again, another......

little one
07-25-02, 09:54 AM
Aesthetically pleasing only if the screws are put in straight and the melamine isn't chipped....They could have been a beautiful thing...the right size.

07-25-02, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by little one
Aesthetically pleasing only if the screws are put in straight and the melamine isn't chipped....They could have been a beautiful thing...the right size.

what do you mean could have? thouse pix look fine.. cant see any chips or un str8 screws at all.....

did you purhcase some form her and they whre not put together good? is that what yoru getting at? just come out and say it if htats what your saying.. otherwise.. i dont see what your talking about.... i think they are great lookin

Tom P
07-25-02, 04:24 PM
I agree, I don't see any chips or screws, everything looks nicely lined up, and I think I am going to build some of my own, using those pics as a reference. I also don't see anything wrong with the size........please explain your comment.

Tom P

07-25-02, 09:04 PM
i dont see what littleones talking about, shes the one who is umm hmm how shall i say it err "Incompetent" to put the right wattage lightbulb in an enclosure and blew it up.... hehe typical..... all of the other enclosures beth has built for numerous other people have never had a bad comment!

07-25-02, 10:40 PM
little one just has a problem with beth.. see the BOI thread for more info.. just ignore her comments..

Beth: they look great..

little one
07-26-02, 09:13 AM
My experience with melamine is all. :) Sorry you all took it the wrong way. You really should learn to have nicer thoughts about people, though. :) Oh, and it's hard to "blow up" an enclosure with light bulbs...even if you did over load the fixture (which is kinda hard since most light fixtures are rated at 660W)! :)

07-26-02, 04:29 PM
i've done it before, as well as electrocuted myself on a tv enough to throw me and break the drywall in the garage, hehe i love electricity

07-27-02, 02:50 AM
After building several enclosures with electrical work installed I have to add my comments to this post. I have never worked with melamine, nor am I looking forward to it. I do not like the way melamine is made, nor do I want to deal with the problems that I have heard of it causing, and I do not want to use it. To Beths defense, wood does chip easily in a table saw. Other than using a really fine toothed blade and hoping for the best , there is nothing you can do to avoid it... That is one of the reasons that I don not want to use it... And onto the lighting subjet.....

I do not know what type of lighting fixtures that Beth uses, nor does it matter to me, but I personally always use the ceramic ones. I use these, because I see them as being more reliable, and standing up longer in the long run than the plastic ones that are available.. People may use the plastic ones, but I don't just in case. I am not an electrician, and in a court of law I dont think that I stand a chance when for #1 I am not an electrician and I cut corners and used the cheaper version of something, and something went wrong.... and # 2 I am the person who may have burned someones house donw in the cause of negligence. I am not trying to cut Beths work. I have only seen the pictures. I do not know of the work that she does, but I am just stating my opinion as I see it.. I do not know the wattage of either fixture right now, but I know that the ceramic fixture can hold the amount of wattage that any normal herper would use in a cage.. Also, on another note, I can not judge on the amount of space needed to safely house a 100 watt bulb or any other wattage.. I normally house a 2' High cage with a fixture, but if a customer requests something smaller, even though I may give my opinion on the size, I will do it if a customer requests it. It is not my place to tell someone what they should have or not have.. I am not doing it for the money (god know i don't make enough for any ends to meet, i do it for a hobby). I build whatever they want me to build..... I do not know if I am making any sense in this post or not but I hope that I am. I think that her cages look fine in the pics.. She may have flaws in her cages just like anyone esle who builds cages. I know that I have had flaws in my cages. That is why I welcome critisisism (sp) to all of my cage design. You learn as you go and you may have some flaws, but hopefully you learn from them and are able to make changes along the way, so that the problems don't affect you in the same type of cage. I know I have learned from some of the mistakes that I have made..


07-27-02, 07:16 AM
Beth .. Those are very nice cage .. I find them to look nice and convinient ..

Little One .. All she did was post a pic .. your reply was rude and uncalled for .. so u dislike Beth .. get over it and move on .. You seriously need to think about what you are doing.. This is not the BOI .. you had your say there.

Take care


BTW in my oppinion, If my thing was Leo's , i would not hessitate one second to deal with Beth ..

07-27-02, 08:56 AM
Hey guys (Dom, Greg), I think ya missed what Little One cleared up ;)

Originally posted by little one
My experience with melamine is all. :) Sorry you all took it the wrong way. You really should learn to have nicer thoughts about people, though. :) Oh, and it's hard to "blow up" an enclosure with light bulbs...even if you did over load the fixture (which is kinda hard since most light fixtures are rated at 660W)! :)

little one
07-27-02, 09:18 AM
What, am I not supposed to post my own experiences after Beth has posted hers simply because I had a bad deal with her??? C'mon! The bad experience with Beth was dealt with...I can leave it where it is...can you?
Thank you Linds....
And, yes, Greg...melamine is terrible stuff to work with and a fine toothed blade works well with it, but I'll work with wood any day! It doesn't tend to chip the way melamine does. :)

07-27-02, 12:03 PM
I agree with Little One .. real wood is better. Melamine (as many of you know) is NOT my favorite stuff. Apart from the physical drawbacks of it, I prefer to do without the formaldehyde and arsenic it offgasses.

(aww come on .. I haven't ranted in ages):D

07-27-02, 12:08 PM
The speed with which you people jumped on Little One is amazing (and F---ing annoying), especially AFTER Little One cleared up what she was talking about!! Crazy. There's head-hunting and there's head-hunting.....

Wicked cages Beth. All one piece or individual? They sure would be a ***** to move if they were one piece!!

07-29-02, 02:47 PM
is anyone else having far too much fun with CanadaHerp's ad?

what is the little globbie that's following my cursor!?!?!

07-29-02, 07:28 PM
Here's my experience with those cages in particular.
I've bought the same enclosures from Beth, and they are working wonderfully. No ships, or loose screws, heck I can't even see where they are.

The recommended wattage for the first enclosure is 25 watts (just incase anyone intends on purchasing any enclosures from her in the future). Even if you could go higher, I wouldn't suggest it. The temps are absolutely ideal for viper tail geckos, and leopard geckos (which is what I keep in them, asides the pictus on the buttom level) with just the 25 watt bulb.

I've even had more breeding success in those enclosures then my 35 gallon tanks...I guess they like the added privacy of three walls and a ledge :). So that's gotta say something for them doesn't it? At least I think so.

And they look a lot nicer then my steel racks that hold my tanks up for that matter....as well as helped me get rid of the clutter of such setups as well. I plan on possibly buying more enclosures from her in future. She has an interesting crested gecko enclosure setup that I may be interested in once my younger pairs mature and are ready to be put together.

Oh and Beth, if you are reading this. Those geckos I got from you are doing wonderfully. Though I question if they have the same parents as Jinx, because one of them is just as mischievious.

Jeff, since Beth hasn't answered already, I'll just state that the type I bought from her (the larger black and white, 6 cages setup) comes in two pieces. Still a bit difficult to move, but far easier then if it was ALL one piece. The doors are easily taken out as well for less hassle when moving (more gripping room) and makes it far easier to clean the cage when you can take the doors out whenever you please.

anyways, thats my positive spiel.

07-30-02, 09:16 AM
Melamine is not your choice product to use. But I know many people including myself that use it and have great success with it. I have been usuing melamine caging from Beth for close to two years now, I was one of the first people to buy units from her and they are awesome!

07-30-02, 09:49 AM
Any pics kicking around of yours??

07-30-02, 11:32 AM
yeah i thought this was a pic thread not a whine about beth and littleone thread
less whining and more pics please

08-04-02, 08:43 AM
Here's a pic of the leo enclosure for Skuzz

08-04-02, 11:21 AM

Have you tried putting a backing on it? I've got the sides and back painted in some of my tanks
Here's a link to my cages, racks, and enclosures album

It was in use at the time for my yearling corns, but now is a rat momma and doesn't have anything in it cept the stuff seen in newer pic below.

The display tank I'm setting up for my leos in our living room will be done in a desert setting.. with slate, cacti, caves, a water pool, and sand. I'll be rotating the group that's on display every two or three weeks. When they aren't in the display tank we are housed in rubbermaids in a storage closet that we use for the rats, leos, corns, and mealies.
Here's a few pictures of our 'pet room'

08-04-02, 03:33 PM
that's a good idea renee but i'm moving my snake into a 29 gall and having my 20 gall open so i was gonna put that lil leo and 2 others in there since it's decided to start eating. THEN I'll put on a backing. :)

08-05-02, 07:34 PM
hey reenee what you keepin in the canadian cases

08-05-02, 07:39 PM
there's beer in there from my brother in law's wedding [almost a year ago].. both my hubby and I don't drink beer, so it's sitting there.. that room is also our storage room!

08-05-02, 07:41 PM
aww thats just a cruel thing to do

08-06-02, 06:32 PM
i agree lance lol