View Full Version : Royal Python

09-07-03, 01:08 PM
Hi guys, sorry I havent written in for a while I have been sunning myself in Ibiza.

I needed to ask all of your opinions about royals. I came back from Holiday and I had a voice mail from the pet shop that was looking after my baby royal to that he passed away whilst I was on holiday. I am very upset as I thought that when I picked him up tomorrow he would be fine, the shop said that they had gotten him to eat on his own (he was previously being force fed). But he was not passing any waste and sadly he didnt survive.

In all of your opinions is it better to have a sub-adult/adult or should I puservere (not sure thats how its spelt) with my babies.

This is the second hatching I have had in six months that has died (the first being because of a disease it had caught from the pet shop in Essex that I hope has now closed down).

I love baby royals but this is so heartbreaking to have happen again.

Let us know what you think guys.



09-07-03, 01:20 PM
As ALWAYS, the best choice for any species of snake is to buy a captive-bred baby from the breeder. Its simply the best way to go. Always has, always will be.

09-07-03, 01:22 PM
Hi there thanks

He was a captive bred baby and I got him from a breeder I just dont know what went wrong.

09-07-03, 02:21 PM
Just cuz there CB dosent mean that there healthy i depends on the breeder and the parents. Always but a snake that is eating and is in good health

09-08-03, 12:06 PM
Again thanks for the reply.

He was a strong snake snd then he stopped eating the first week so I took him back straight away and had him force fed, then after that, he was still a bit funny with food and he would only eat by being force fed. We finally got him eating on his own and then I went on holiday and left him at the pet shop where the breeder works so that they could look after him.

When I was away he apparently stopped passing any waste and just died.

09-08-03, 12:14 PM
how long were you gone for? its not uncommon for a snake to only go to the bathroom once a week. maybe less. My snake went of eating (and going to the bathroom) for 6 months this past winter. He was fine. Although, we isnt a hatchling by any means.

I am very sorry about your loss. That really sucks to have lost 2 babies.

A sub adult may be a bit hardier than a hatchling. It will usually be an established feeder. Although it may also be a bit more expensive.

Good luck with your next purchase. Dont give up. It can be a very rewarding pet.

09-08-03, 12:22 PM
Thank you for that, that really helped me. I love babies and I dont want to give up on them.



09-08-03, 04:43 PM
Just a note of caution. Ball pythons are notorious for going off feed. Force feeding is the LAST resort when it comes to non feeding BP's, and a week was way too soon to go that route. Force feeding causes a great amount of stress on ball pythons especially. There are ways to induce pooping, that are not very stressful. Your breeder/pet shop should have known that. Sounds like possible parasites. My suggestion to you would be if you're going to buy another BP, get one from someone else, a reputable breeder. Go to the BOI and find out who's good, who's bad. Never buy from a pet shop, they are usually WC and most of the time not feeding, no matter what the pet shop says. Make sure your temps and cage requirements are being met, and one week without eating is nothing, don't be so hasty to force feed. Sometimes, force feeding can make an already nonfeeder even worse. I would suggest you do some research, and ask LOTS of questions before you get another baby. There are lots of tricks to getting bp's to eat, that are NOT stressful. Do you have any other snakes? How long have you been keeping snakes? If the BP's were your first experience with keeping snakes, I would suggest you try something else, corn snake, gopher snake, etc. first, before getting another ball python. They do not make good beginner snakes.

09-08-03, 06:33 PM
Find a good breeder and get a cb......and don't let anyone but an expierenced herper "baby sit" for you.

09-09-03, 12:23 PM
Thanks guys.

For burm, I have been keeping snakes for five years.

I have had corns and royals. I currently have an adult male royal and he is doing really well.

Thanks to all I will defiantley bear all your advice in mind.


09-09-03, 01:16 PM
if you live close enough, i would definately consider going to B.J. herp supplies in dorchester, this is their website www.natures-image.co.uk

09-09-03, 02:49 PM
Cheers, thanx for that info.

Unfortunatley I live nowhere near Dorchester. But those BP's on that site are beautiful.