View Full Version : Please look, rosy not moving quite

09-07-03, 12:09 AM
my gf got a rosy tarantula, and she buried a hole in a coner until
she got the glass, she spined a web all around like to proctect the

she dont seams to go drink water nor eat.

is this normal behavior?

it began like a little circle closing each day or so, now she completly
closed her web,

thanks for respond

Tim and Julie B
09-07-03, 12:29 AM
Last time I saw a T do that it had a whole bunch of slings! (babies)I could be molting but they useually do that where they have room to move. TB

09-07-03, 12:46 AM
Keep us updated Icefire! How long have you had it? Is it female?

09-07-03, 07:26 PM
My first thought was that your T could be gravid or molting. Don't take my word for it though as I don't know too much about invertebrates. In any event, good luck with her. :)

09-08-03, 06:33 AM
The only time I have ever seen a rosie pull that stunt is when they are about to drop an eggsack... no guarentees though.

good luck! :D

09-09-03, 06:38 AM
How do you know she is gravid. It never been with a male, she doesn't seam she is molting since it has been like that for a month. She doesn't seam to eat anymore. Any idea?

09-09-03, 07:14 AM
The thing with rose hairs is that 99.9% of them in petshops are wild caught females... since they can store the male's sperm for long periods of time they sometimes come in to the country already gravid :)

Chances are she got knocked up while still living in the wild and now she has a safe environment to lay her eggs so she is getting ready... you are a lucky guy! Hopefully you get a viable eggsack and have yourself some grandchildren

09-09-03, 11:36 AM
Here I got a picture
The guy that sold it to us told us that it was WC but most petshop
told me they are CB... so hard to tell


09-09-03, 01:09 PM
I can tell you this right now... CB rosies at that size are non existent.

G. Rosea is a very slow growing species... to get to that size the spider would be somewhere in the 10-12 year range I suspect and thats longer than they have been a common species. I can pretty much guarentee its a WC specimen.

09-09-03, 08:31 PM
any clue if its a natural beaviour to make an hole, cover the top ?
maybe cuzz the room is cooler ?

09-14-03, 09:15 PM
okay... now, most G. rosea that i've seen, including my 2, and the majority of my T's (35) are pet rocks.

my first rosea one upped yours and competely covered the top of her borrow with webbing along with about 2 inches of substrate, and has now been in the same position for about... 4.5-5 months now and has done nothing, no molt, no sac, nothing, just sits there... they typically do this for pre-molt, but at other times, they seem to do it for no reason at all...

there is speculation about the seasons being reversed where they are from, and them webbing up like that to kinda... for lack of a better word, hibernate, until the spring/summer roll around and the food becomes more plentiful.

but overall i'd say not too worry about it and at least she's up against the glass so you can watch her. they have been known to go over a year without food, and if you're worried about water you can always send a few drops down to her.... btw what' the temp in the room?

09-16-03, 12:45 AM
Good news People
She did her shed!
that is why she did cover her hole to protect herself
she is out of her shed now, took around one day on the back
the last owner had her for a years and never shed, we got her
for like 1 month and she already did it! lol