View Full Version : new babies for me!!!!

09-05-03, 11:08 PM
hey everyone, need a lil advice about my new corns. I am getting two siblings from a friend of mine and I was wondering if they can be housed together as long as I seperate them for feeding. I have yet to see them but I believe they are just normal corns and only a few months old..... I will give more details when I get them home...usually I would never buy them with out seeing them first but they belong to my friends sister and she is selling them both to me for $5
thanks: Kim

09-06-03, 05:12 AM

I have two corns that I've had since they were neonates that are housed together. No problems. Actually, I seperated them once and one of them quit eating, so I had to reunite them. I have two others that I kept together, and one would NOT eat as long as they were together so I had to seperate them. I suggest experimenting and seeing what works best. Just like people, all snakes are different, some like company some don't. They all have their own personalities, likes and dislikes.

Good luck!


09-06-03, 09:20 PM
I think it is a bad idea because corns are cannibalistic when young and if one gets sick then the other does too but every man to their own.

Colonel SB
09-07-03, 04:07 PM
I agree with andy, even if it's a small chance why risk your snake? Plus it makes it easier to monitor your animals health :)

09-09-03, 01:54 PM
thanks for your alls thoughts im keeping them together at the moment, till I can get some more tanks. Btw their names are Reno and Jenkens. I will get picturse of them up soon.