View Full Version : Ball Python Questions!!!!

09-05-03, 09:15 PM
Ok, I'm planning on getting a Ball Python and I just got a couple questions.
1. How long do they usually get.
2. What size cage do I need?
3. How many times a week do I feed them?
4. How agressive are they?

As many people answering these questions would help. Thanks.

09-05-03, 09:21 PM
1. They usually hit about 4-5 feet, it is possible for them to hit 6 but very unlikely.
2. 1 square foot of cage space for every foot of snake is usually a good way to go about cage size. DO NOT start them off in a huge tank so u dont have to upgrade. Move them up slowly less stressful on the animal.
3. Feeding should occur once every 7-10 days. Feed them prey large enough so you can see it in the snake, a HATCHLING BP can be started on rat pups.
4. They are very docile and when they do strike it is usually the keeper who is at fault(not washing hands after holding prey)if handled regularly they tend to have an amazing temperment.

09-05-03, 09:23 PM
Ok, so what size tanks in gallons?

09-05-03, 09:25 PM
They get 4-6 feet, and I think I read somewhere of their BP getting 6ft 1 in..so they have the possibilitie of getting big. A 30 gal tank is the BARE min. Bigger IS better. Feed them 1 time a week with an appropriate sized prey item (NEVER LIVE). They are generally not agressive. but WC ones can be. Get a good CB one from a breeder NEVER go to a petstore they suck, and most (Not all) know nothing about the animal they are selling.......go find some care sheets online.......they have to have a basking spot of about 90-95 F. (no higher than 95), and a humidity of about 60% and about 80% when they are in shed.....and lots of other little tid bits.....so as I said go find a caresheet online or go buy "The Ball Python Manual"

09-05-03, 09:27 PM
Go out and buy The Ball Python Manual, or search the web for care sheets. There's TONS of them out there.


09-05-03, 11:23 PM
yes and a hatchling bp is perfectly able to eat an adult mouse. RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH.