View Full Version : Hatchling cornsnake housing

09-04-03, 08:47 PM
Similar to the cage Invictus posted earlier - we have converted a 6 foot cage that previously housed a boa into a 'nursery' for the baby corns. It is heated with heat rope supported on a wooden panel in a back and forth pattern that provides diffuse heat along the back of the cage - like a radiant heat panel. It is controlled by a rheostat. There is a slight gradient from 79 degrees at the front of each tub to 83 degrees at the back near the heat, and the whole cage drops by 5-7 degrees at night.


The hatchling tubs have records on the front - color coded for gender (boys are blue) and girls by morph (amel - red label, snow-yellow label, ghost - green label) with number and name. Red dots show dates of feeding and blue dots show shed dates - easier to know how many big pinkies and how many day-old pinkies to thaw on feeding day.

The inside of the tubs is paper towel, a water bowl and a 5 inch length of plastic tube for them to hide in - most of the use it almost all the time - this is a little ghost girl from Mark Isbell - coming out of her tube - hoping for a pinky.

mary v.

09-04-03, 09:38 PM
WoW! That is a very well setup nursey, VERY good job, looks really neat and organized.

09-05-03, 01:59 PM
Great idea and great setup.

09-05-03, 02:07 PM
Very nice setup!!! beats my way of individual contaniers and writing on top of them.

Big Mike
09-05-03, 03:01 PM
Nice set up Mary, thanks for sharing.

09-05-03, 03:13 PM
Nice set-up Mary! I think it's such an efficient way to house so many little ones. :)

09-05-03, 03:43 PM
Looks great Mary! Great use of energy too, eh?

09-05-03, 11:54 PM
Looks pretty cool, great idea.

09-06-03, 11:17 AM
VERY nice!

09-07-03, 02:36 PM
Thats a good idea

09-07-03, 05:00 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments. The set up is working very well - stable temperatures and all babies are feeding and shedding like clockwork. Seems to help keep humidity up too - relatively large water bowl for the small containers and all shed have been perfect. I always worry about the tail tips in these little guys,

I really like the cost savings - it is an 80 watt heat rope that we are running at about half strength - so as Invictus and RedDragon said - very efficient.

mary v.

09-07-03, 05:04 PM
wow great idea. how did you ever come up with that. Looks like VERY easy maitenence on all of the little ones. Good luck with them all.