View Full Version : D'OH!! (the inadvertent choco-rat)

09-03-03, 11:40 PM
Remember a while back there some junk happened and everyone's power went out? They told us to unplug our appliances. They told us to do it. I did it.

I'm feeding my snakes tonight and I run out of pinkies. No problem, there's some in the extra fridge down in the basement. I'll have to thaw them, I thought to myself as I descended into the basement. I navigate through the clutter to the our beautiful old fridge, (it's colour is "harvest gold"!) I open the freezer compartment and I'm greeted by a smell that would make a buzzard puke. The goddam fridge wasn't even plugged in when I put 2 adult rats in there about 2 weeks ago along with the pinkies that I was trying to retrieve. A chocolate fudge popsicle had been in there too and had melted and leaked underneath bag containing the now badly decomposed rats. I thought it was rat blood at first. I don't know how I didn't notice that it wasn't running when I put them in there, guess it must have been somewhat cold or it would have been hard not to notice. Whatever the reason I pushed the fridge up the stairs and out the door and I'm having it hauled off ASAP. Nasty chocolate rat corpse puddle, yuck! Live rats smell like flowers compared to ones that are dead in a confined space, no kidding.

Tim and Julie B
09-04-03, 01:48 AM
:jawdrop: Oh my god that is gross but I can actually beat that story. I rented out some warehouse space to a "friend"of mine and he wouldn't pay rent. So I moved all his crap out back. Including a freezer full of about 300 rats. Being nice I ran an extension cord out the back and plugged his freezer in. Well all his **** sat out there for over a month and one day finally disappered. I thought he finally got off his *** and picked his **** up. So a couple of days later he phones me to ask me where his **** went. I said it went missing. He accuse me or someone I know off stealing his stuff because who would want reptile stuff and 300 frozen rats. I couldn't figure it out until one day I went back there about three weeks later. I smelled something and as I got within 50 ft of the building it got stronger. As I got near the stairs I saw a lot of flys. I looked in a 55 gal oil drum. MMMMM......rat soup. But wait it was white and moving. Lets remember that there was 300 frozen rats in that freezer. The 55 gal drum was 2/3 rds full! The stench was the worst smell I have ever smelled. You could smell it across the building! The landlord kicked everyone out and had to call in a hazardous waste disposle crew. To this day I have never found out who did it. :D

09-04-03, 03:16 AM
LMAO that is the best story ive heard in awhile.

im glad it happened to you and not me. :)

09-04-03, 06:18 AM
white and moving??? what the hell? My mess was neither white nor moving, hell it was practically liquid. Some sort of gelatinous goop in a grocery bag with a sticky brown juice dribbling off it. I had to do my own hazardous waste removal, no gloves or masks, just get that stink out of the house as fast a possible. The smell is still in my nose even though I practically emptied a bottle of air freshener and have had the windows open, it's not actually in the house anymore but the smell won't leave my nose.

09-04-03, 06:31 AM
OMG, i wish i hadn't eaten breakfast already...it might come back up! LOL Gross stories! Makes my frozen mice experiences seem so much more enjoyable! Thanks for sharing!

09-04-03, 07:53 AM
MmmmmMmmmmm rat pudding! :flick:

09-04-03, 07:55 AM
Oh man that sounds disgusting!!!! I pity both of you!

09-04-03, 08:01 AM
Thats disgusting. Happy i only got crickets.

09-04-03, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by MouseKilla
white and moving??? what the hell?

That would be the oh-so-loveable maggots LOL Your rats were sealed in away from flies... hers were out in the open to be munched on.

In both cases I am glad I didnt have to smell it LOL I have smelled semi-rotten mice and rats so I would hate like hell to come across something like either of you had ... blech

09-04-03, 08:29 AM
maggots! of course! duh. Overlooked the outdoors factor. I think the smell in my freezer could have made a maggot dry heave. It was rough.
I am not the slightest bit squeemish, played with dead animals as a kid, dog doo doo. I once carried some of a co-worker's puke into the office at work. The supervisor wouldn't let him go home sick and he had been driving his lift truck and vomiting off the side at the same time. Rather than wait for the poor guy to stand up for himself I decided to, let's say, submit proof of his illness to the boss. I was hussled out of the office, though no one would come near me. He had eaten yogourt and drank orange pop giving the puke a luminous orange colour, it almost glowed I swear. They gave him the rest of the night off. I earned a reputation that I could never live down, for good or ill. As I said, I've got a good stomach for gross, but I was ready to expel my dinner last night.

09-04-03, 09:17 AM
MouseKilla that is sooo funny I almost lost my lunch! glad that it didnt hapen to me.Ho is the little one in your avitar?

09-04-03, 09:25 AM
All i got to say is YUCK!

09-04-03, 09:45 AM
lol, great stories! I'd love to hear more! But MouseKilla, can't you just clean it out and keep the fridge. Yeah a nasty job, but a waste of fridge to just have it hauled away.


09-04-03, 09:48 AM
Don't you recognize that child? She's feral and very dangerous. She once nearly broke the nose of a grown man with a single left hook when he got too close. All you need to know is to keep your distance.

09-04-03, 09:58 AM
link this with the 200 frog thread and everyones happy, no more magots lol

09-04-03, 11:07 AM
Oh how gross. I would have puked for sure! I'm glad I didn't have to deal with it!!!!!!!

09-04-03, 11:59 PM
mmm.mmmm... rat puddin'...:meddead: