View Full Version : Humidity keeper

09-02-03, 07:28 PM
Hey, I have a 20 gal long tank w/ a mesh top. and I have a carpet/turf substrate. And I can get the humidty to about %65 but it doesnt hold long. I soak both the hides, and cover part of the screen w/ soack wash cloths
any tips? Thanks!

09-02-03, 07:43 PM
Aquariums are no good at holding humidity, you can get rubbermaids of that size for cheap, drill some holes in it and the humidity will go where you want it quicker and stay there longer. Also a custom enclosure specifically designed for your reptile will maintain proper humidity levels, although they are much more exspensive than a rubbermaid.

09-02-03, 07:54 PM
sonic foggers, water dishes over heat sources, misting systems are only a few of the many sources humidity raisers. Problem usually being wetness of the substrate while air humidity level still remains low.

09-02-03, 09:48 PM
You could also try putting plastic or a damp towel over part of the mesh top.

09-03-03, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by burmer
You could also try putting plastic or a damp towel over part of the mesh top.

Problem with that is that it cuts off airflow and there is virtually no cross-ventilation in the tank. This stagnant air creates a rpime environment for spores to grow. Towel method is the better of the two, but neither are beneficial.