View Full Version : sSnakeSs.com Biggest Announcement YET!!!

Shane Tesser
09-01-03, 05:38 PM
Today, Sept 01/03 i am please to announce the launch and sneak preview of a new animal based website created by Jeff ********, and myself.

I would like to give the opportunity to explain the creation of another site, and share in the great joy Jeff and i have on this occasion.

Over a year ago, Jeff and i had beaten our brains over creating a website. We wanted a forum based site that was different from anything else we had seen. Our first thought was an aquatic site for Aquarium keepers and enthusiasts alike. However, while trying to do some research on various snakes, Jeff came to the conclusion that there was not only alot of unfriendly websites dedicated to herps...but no where could he find one that was totally free. It seems that the corporate wheel was what funded and spun these site into what they were. The big business machine was the feeling that these site portrayed and it was all to apparent that they were strickly businesses, and not there for the love of the animals.

Out of great distaste, Jeff grew angry over the thought of feeling like a number. So he turned his energy around, poured himself into creating a family oriented website for all herpers to join, and sSnakeSs.com was born. In the meantime, the thought of another site was thrown on the back burner as sSnakeSs soon grew to amazing lenghts to end up becoming what it is today. One of the largest most successful, fastest growing Herp sites in history. In only 18 months, sSnakeSs.com have managed to achieve over three thousand members. A feat almost unheard of for any site, let alone a herp one.

It was about six months ago when Jeff and i started kicking around the thought of finishing the other site. We played with ideas as to what it should look like, feel like, and how it was to be run. We argued over names and colours, and finally came up with what i will now share with you today. This is the first set up of our new site. The site is not near completion, and as always, we will continue to bring a more smoothed out forum set up. I know there will be questions as to why this site, why not another one? Well ill try to explain abit.

Why this site? Well...we see a void in the net forums for this type of site, that we believe we can fill

What will happen to sSnakeSs.com? Nothing, business as usual, we would never dream about an interuption for this site, its still Jeff's baby :)

Why another site period? Simple, the way i see it, we have a unique way of creation and set up for forum based websites. We listen to our members, and have the ability to do what no other site has yet to do....create a family based forum. Our long term goals are not to stop at this site. I would like to see more sites in the future. I would like to do away with nasty pay for animal based sites, and show the world that a site based on the pure love of the hobby can succeed. That ppl don't have to pay to join. That you can let ppl post pics for free!

Now, this site will not be for everyone, but for all members...i would hope that you take a second and visit. Like i said before, Jeff and I still have alot of clean up to do. Especially in the forums deptment. But we will get there as soon as possible. For those of you that can make it to the Totally pets show at the end of the month, stop by and see the new booth for our official launching. In the meantime, feel register and post etc. Not everything is 100% running, but it will be in a week or two.

Now that i have bored you all to tears with my long windedness...its my great please to introduce you to aTa.com!
Thanks for reading, Shane & Jeff


09-01-03, 05:43 PM
Congrats guys! way to go!

09-01-03, 05:47 PM
Congrats on the new site.. i will be sure to check it out!

09-01-03, 05:48 PM
Excellent website Guys! Good luck and keep us updated :D

09-01-03, 05:50 PM
Hey I've got a fish tank so what the hey I joined! Should be fun.
Congrats guys,

09-01-03, 05:52 PM
If it runsd like this one i'm sure it will be great.

09-01-03, 05:56 PM
Well done, as usual guys,

Is there going to be a fourm on how to catch, clean and cook fish? if so count me in!


Shane Tesser
09-01-03, 06:01 PM
Lmao....actually thats not a bad idea Brian!!! Ill talk to you more about that next time i see you....perhaps you would entertain helping me with that?

09-01-03, 06:05 PM
How to catch fish eh?? I dunno if i wanna give out my secret weapons!! That isnt a bad idea, i would love to talk to some fishing enthusiasts! Salmon season's quickly approaching :D

09-01-03, 06:06 PM
i only have a samerai fighter fish..lol..but ill join to support ur new site :) congrats on your expantion

09-01-03, 06:21 PM
Very nicely setup guys. Congrats!!!!

09-01-03, 06:26 PM
hey jeff i got a question..would you do a enclosure of the month on ssnakess like ur doing on allthingsaquatic where you have aquarium of the month?

09-01-03, 06:27 PM
well its good to see another good forum it looks great good luck with it hopefully it will be another sucsess like ssnakess

09-01-03, 06:35 PM
thats a very nice website ;)
congrats on the new baby :P
hehehe ;)

Shane Tesser
09-01-03, 06:42 PM
Bartman...aquarium of the month is still in the early stages....we are not even sure at this point whether or not we will run with it...but it will probably stay imo. The tank you see there currently was just to fill up space on the home page to be truthful...it happens to be my tank...my 150 planted community tank...so no one got a prize or anything..lol :)

09-01-03, 06:46 PM
1) Aquariums rule! They are a TON of work, but man, some people have a knack for it. I wish I was one of those people.

2) What will become of the general aquaria section os ssnakess.com?

3) Great stuff!!!

09-01-03, 06:52 PM
keeping fish is so fun im goonnaa join

09-01-03, 06:54 PM
hey... I have a japanese fighting fish or a beta... what ever you call it. I think that I'll join!!

09-01-03, 07:03 PM
nice site. its much like this one making it easy to use and it feels familiar to you.

Shane Tesser
09-01-03, 07:04 PM
The general thread for aquariums on this site, will eventually link directly to the forums on ATA. As well, any herp related forums on ATA will come back here. We want them to remain seperate, but joined at the hip so to speak. Can't forget your roots :)

09-01-03, 07:39 PM
Awesome looking site guys! I'll be sure to join as soon as Invictus and I get pirhanas. :D

09-01-03, 07:43 PM
Way to go guys, I'm joining. Ever since working at that stupid pet store, I am starting to get a slight interest in fishies. And not to mention mom has plans for many tanks in this house that I'LL have to maintain...


PS. Hehe and even though it's an aquatic website, I am so still using my usual username :p

09-01-03, 07:57 PM
Looking good guys. Love the little "Nemo" in the banner. :)
We only own one koi. Our goldfish, Goldie, died last week. :( The fish belong to my daughter.

Shane Tesser
09-01-03, 08:01 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss :(

09-01-03, 08:46 PM
Looking good guys. It seems many reptile keepers were fish keepers at one point in time.

Mice 4 You

09-01-03, 08:53 PM
I don't have any fish except the lox in the freezer. but I can see learning some stuff about cages and wet setups (ie frogs)

09-01-03, 09:45 PM
AWESOME!!! I just registered ;)

09-02-03, 11:20 AM
Yup, I started out with fish. 6 cherry barbs. The last one lived to be like 10 years old! Not so much into fish anymore, I'm too interested in my new ball python!

The site looks great guys. I joined, and can hopefully share some knowledge with other fish keepers. I learned ALOT about fish in the time I've had them.


09-02-03, 01:58 PM
Am off to check it out & register right now. Gosh I go away for a few days & look what I miss !!! Way to go guys !!!

09-02-03, 02:14 PM
Great site, I used to keep all kinds of fish, ecspecialy oscars, those things are the best:)

09-02-03, 02:37 PM
Congrats! guy's good luck with it
I joined i have a few fish :)


Kyle Walkinshaw
09-02-03, 03:36 PM
Well, I know absolutly nothing about fish and only keep a betta, and probably won't get any other fish but i'll still sign up:)

The site looks good guys!!

09-02-03, 04:15 PM
hah hah great story Shane!!

09-02-03, 04:16 PM
Sharp looking site guys! Good luck with it. :)

09-02-03, 05:28 PM
Good job I have fish and various reptiles&snakes,I'll be checkin it ouy for sure.

09-02-03, 06:38 PM
Congratulations guys,I'm sure it'll be a lot like this one which is great!

09-03-03, 08:39 PM
Lookin' great! I hope you guys get as many members as we do here. I wish you all the best.

Lookin forward to tanks/filters on the classifieds :D

09-04-03, 08:53 PM
LOOKS GREAT! i am going to pass it on to one of my football coaches whos into freashwater fish

09-04-03, 09:21 PM
Congrats! Guys you are the best and the only reason i say that it's because it IS the truth. I passed from...other...sites before and i can affirmate that.
Keep up the good work and good luck to the next project (mammals)... *oups! i've got to control my mouth sometimes!* :S :D

09-05-03, 08:42 AM
Great idea, guys! Haven't had time for fish ever since I started my 2nd job, but I might dust off some aquaria stuff and give it a shot. Ghost knifes are just so awesome! aTa will be a huge hit!

09-05-03, 01:16 PM
YAY! it looks like ssnakess... just... WET!
im fairly new to keeping aquariums, but we've had koi ponds since i was about 7 or something!
signing up now! :D :D <---very happy!
i love you guys :zi:

Shane Tesser
09-05-03, 09:32 PM
Hey thanks for all the kind words guys. The site is off to a great start...about 100 plus posts already. I see good things for it and others like it in the future. Your support as a community is terrific and i very much appreciate it. Thanks again, Shane :D

09-06-03, 02:59 PM
looks great, can't wait to see all the neat fishys.

09-06-03, 04:04 PM
great job! the member pics on the site should be awesome :D i love aquariums.

09-07-03, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by asphyxia

Is there going to be a fourm on how to catch, clean and cook fish? if so count me in!


*just made Cameron all hungry*:p

Tim and Julie B
09-08-03, 02:16 AM
Wow, you guys rule:D All I can say is that if it is only half the site that ssnakess is, you've nailed it again! Congrats guys:D


No, No this just wont do I just got my aquatic habit under control last year......don't need more fish..............must resist.............but I have 3 extra 66 gal, two 33 gal a 27gal and all the equipment......................no damn it......................well maybe! :p TB >( *with myself*

09-11-03, 04:30 PM
Nice site, best of luck with it :D I just might have to join up

09-13-03, 02:54 PM

09-13-03, 04:52 PM
hummm!!! somethin' fishy is goin on around here

Colonel SB
09-14-03, 11:59 AM
Right on guys but fish??? I don't get it :p

09-16-03, 09:11 AM
Site looks great - you guys just never rest, do you? ;)

Let's see... I got a beta for my dad on his birthday... that's a fish... o.o;;