View Full Version : sad day

08-31-03, 02:34 PM
Well, I came home last night to find my favourite chameleon dead on the floor. (she free roams). I am in shock because she did not show any signs of being ill. She was almost 4 but that seems too early to die. She was eating fine, and was just in the shower a couple of days ago. She had normal behaviour, sleeping in the regular places and basking in her favourite spots. I keep searching for things that I missed….is this how they go when they die of natural causes? She just finished laying eggs last month and was in really great shape. I am just puzzled.

08-31-03, 02:42 PM
Oh I'm so sorry! I know she was cherished by you and words can not describe the sadness I feel right now. Remember though, female Veileds do have a short lifespan of 3 to maybe 5 years, so your little girl was certainly older. It was just her time to go.

My deepest condolences.


08-31-03, 02:46 PM
oooooo....I am so sorry she died! That is really sad, and it sucks. But at least you gave her the good life for her four years!!!! Most chams don't get that. I know how you must feel as I myself have recently gotten a cham who is a bit older. I hope you feel better soon! :(

08-31-03, 02:56 PM

i am SO sorry to hear that!!!!
my firend has a 6 year old veiled, but that is a VERY old one!

08-31-03, 02:59 PM
so sorry to hear the news..atleast you gave her the best life you could :(:(:( I give you my deepest condolences...

08-31-03, 03:06 PM
Thanks guys, THis is definately making me feel better since most people around here are like "whats the big deal?! It was a lizard!".
Maybe I am being a bit crazy..but she was my first reptile. She was also the first one to die on me. (Besides babies....but we all know not every hatchling can make it.)
Her name was choriona. I have pictures of her in my gallery. I am thinking about doing an autopsy and taking pictures. If so, I will definately post them if anyone is interested. (I have a degree in BSc so I know about disecting things.)

08-31-03, 03:28 PM
Sorry to hear that she's gone. I know myself how hard it is to lose a friend....... even though it was a Cham. I've lost a few myself through breeding and I still get a heavy heart every time.... what kind of cham was it...?

08-31-03, 03:54 PM
Awwwww. I checked your gallery and saw the pics of Choriona... she was a cutie. It's always nice to have pictures to remember your "kids" by. She did have a colourful gravid display, Ive never seen such red on a female before! Wow.

Depending on the circumstances of death, I sometimes do necropsies myself, just to confirm things and/or rule out others. I usually don't take pictures though... I'm not sure why. Maybe out of respect? That's a deeply personal option and there is no right or wrong decision there. Certainly with your education, you will know if there are any abnormalities inside of her that maybe caused an early death. I'd be interested in seeing the pics (if you take any) and you can certainly send them to me privately if you would like.

Again, my condolences.


Wuntu Menny
09-01-03, 08:49 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss. It is amazing just how attached we can get to our critters. We have a female veiled that is pushing 4 years old right now and we are dreading that inevitable day. She's always been the friendliest animal in our collection. Her favorite pastime has always been to meet me at the cage door and climb onto my shoulder as I may my rounds.

Unfortunately, the circumstances you described are not uncommon. One day everything appears to be fine and by the afternoon, their time has passed. I'm hoping that with the popularity of chams, more research is done on their geriatric needs so we can enjoy their company a little longer.

Keep your gular crest up and let us know what you find,


09-01-03, 10:22 PM
Wow, that is the most colorful female I've ever seen by far. She was gorgeous!