View Full Version : HELP please ?

08-29-03, 08:09 PM
I am having a huge issue here
I am trying to get into the chat but it will not open through the link on the sight.
I downloaded MIRC but now I cannot get in through there the stupid thing keeps disconnecting on me.
One of the members here was wonderfull enough to get me up on MIRC before but I was stupid enough not to write it down.
Could somebody please direct me on how to do the MIRC thing ??

08-30-03, 02:56 AM
When you open mirc there, a dialog box opens up titled "mIRC Options". Close that box by pressing the "Cancel" button.

Now there is one window open, labelled "Status". Click on the area where you write the commands and write:

/server irc.chat-solutions.org

When it is connected to the server, write:

/j #ssnakess

to join the chatroom.

To change your nick, use:

/nick Christina

and if it is registered don't forget to sign in with NickServ using

/msg nickserv identify YourPasswordHere

Hope this helped a bit ;)