View Full Version : A Little Story

08-29-03, 09:07 AM
So the night before last my parents were driving off to the casino at around midnight, they only got a few streets away from the house before they almost hit something wandering around on the road. What was it? A hamster! LOL... not something you usually see puttering around the streets :p Well, they brought it back to me, so I set it up in a cage... lol... never realized how silly they can be. The little guy kept trying to climb the bars of the cage, and any other rodent in my house would've used all FOUR legs when going across the top, but nope, not this guy. Just dangled with his front legs and go most of the way across liek that, danlging like a kid on monkey bars :p Half the time he would get as far as the middle then fall on his back :rolleyes: Entertaining to say the least. Well the next day we put up flyers on all the mailboxes in the neighbourhood and sure enough last night we got a call. The hamster belonged to a 5 year old kid, and had been missing for an entire day before we found it. I named him Oark (Our Almost Road Kill)...

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/22ork1.jpg">

08-29-03, 09:19 AM
MMmm.....Yummy! My new Boa would love that. ;)

08-29-03, 09:29 AM
LOL... my dad was all "give it a couple days then you can feed it to one of your snakes" :p Not takin a chance on getting my snakes hooked on hamsters thank you... and who knows where the thing has been :eek:

08-29-03, 09:35 AM
Does the kid want it back or is this going to be your new pet???

08-29-03, 12:57 PM
Of course the little boy wants his pet back. They got it back about 10 minutes after they called. I'll miss the little guy, as much as I don't care for hamsters, I started to like the little monster :p I honestly was surprised we even found the owners. I thought it would've been something along the lines of someone letting it go because they didn't want it.

08-29-03, 01:13 PM
Thats great at least you found his pet i bet he was so excited when he got it back.

08-29-03, 01:15 PM
how adorable! even though I would feed it to my snake, I think hamsters and the like are soo cute. I have a pet rat, and he's my buddy. Good of you to save him! :D

08-29-03, 01:39 PM
ya thats great that u were able to locate the owners..after all the kid is 5, he was prolly heart broken when hammy went missing

08-29-03, 02:38 PM
most people wouldn't even bother picking it up....its a really nice thing ya did....i'm sure the lil' boy was thrilled!

08-29-03, 03:02 PM
That was very cool of you Linds. Kudos.

08-29-03, 03:33 PM
Good work Linds! Sounds like everyone's happy (unless maybe the parents kind of left the door open wink wink) :p

08-29-03, 05:30 PM
how traumatic would it be to lose your pet, then the person that found it fed it to their snake, would be kinda funny though!

08-29-03, 06:00 PM
Cute story, that was great of you to do to that, you never know what comes around goes around, someone may do that for you someday :) I have rescued people's dogs before and sure enough the favor comes back.

Hamsters are EASY to breed 16 day gestation, most of my snakes that will only eat mice will eat hamsters too, I get hamster pinkies alot faster than mice, but my snakes are not to fond of adult hamsters, just the babies. :)

08-30-03, 09:04 PM
Agree with Yvonne, great thing that you've done. Of course you never told to that little boy (with a paranoid glance), that if he lost again his buddy, it will meet snakes' teeth... :p

08-30-03, 09:27 PM
LOL that poor kid would have been traumatized thinkin of his lil' hamster being eaten by some snake. Well, hopefully, the little boy doesnt lose his friend again (if so, lets hope no snake owners find him). :)

08-30-03, 10:44 PM
Good for you Linds! :) I used to have hamsters as a kid, so I sure know how that kid must've felt when you returned his lost pet to him! :)

08-31-03, 09:35 PM
Lol. lucky kid and hamster.

I wouldn't feed it to my snakes either... though a breeding pair might be good to have for pinks.

08-31-03, 09:41 PM
hamsters are not so good when it comes to breed them. I put them down, all of them. They breed only 4 times in their lives. And they don't have tails to pick them up, i still rember their teeth :D

09-01-03, 05:18 AM
I've had hamsters for years, many have numerous litters, way more then four. It's easy to breed them, I find them the most easy and with 4-5 sets you always have pinkys!! :)

09-03-03, 02:03 PM
I can only hope the little guy is in a good home, but I fear otherwise. When we dropped him off the mother had already cleaned out the cage and put it away in storage, only hours after she said she realized it was missing :( Seemed like she wanted to get rid of the little guy. I also have a hard time believing the hamster got out of the cage AND then got out of the house by itself. A cage is one thing, but doors and windows are another :rolleyes: Not impossible, perhaps someone left a door open or the little boiy brought it outside (which the parents hsould have noticed)... but still makes me wonder :(