View Full Version : Rough Green Snake

08-29-03, 04:49 AM
Can anyone give me info on the Rough Green Snake. I've checked the internet and info seems to be limited. I'm specifically looking for care info, and finding out if the snake is worth while to keep as a pet.

Any info would be appreciated.

08-29-03, 05:02 AM
Lenghts: Can exceed 40 inches (100 cm) Both the rough-scaled and smooth scaled feed largely on insects.
The rough-green snake is found in the southern U.S and Mexico.

Demands in Captivity:
The terrarium should include a lage water dish or be set up as a aqua-terrarium with many forked branches. A mixture os sandy forest soil and peat moss makes a good bottom heating is unnecessary but the air temperature should vary with in the terrarium from 77F - 86F At night the temp should drop but no more then 9F (5C)

The trade mark of this snake is that instead of flicking it's tongue it sticks straight out and motionless Derect sunlight does not seem to be required But artificial light for 12-14 hours a day is advisable.

As for a pet some would say they do not do well in Captivity

hope this helps

08-31-03, 07:47 PM
they eat crickets in captivity.. in the wild they eat moths and spiders... pretty much anything small and bug like. i had one for 2 years. its dead now... i went away on vacation and the person who was taking care of it let it die or somthing... Oh well... no big deal


08-31-03, 07:57 PM
I think they go better on silks or waxworms than crix, but i'm not so sure. I remember it from some search on the net last year.

08-31-03, 10:38 PM
im sure that would be better for them... but mine was in crickets and the ocational moth

08-31-03, 10:42 PM
sorry, did i read that right JD, no big deal????

09-06-03, 12:30 PM
yeah.. it was a big deal that it died. but i didn't want to hold anything agents the person that killed it. thats why i said no big deal.

09-06-03, 01:27 PM
they do not do well in captivity,im getting rid of mine..there only for looking at..it goes nut when i try to take it out..

09-08-03, 11:03 PM
I have one right now. One thing is that they rarely will drink out of a bowl. They are much like a Chameleon in that they should be misted once a day at least to prevent dehydration. And they do great on crickets :)

If you caught it, it is not a Rough Green , it is a Smooth Green. ;)

Hamster of Borg
09-08-03, 11:27 PM
I have mine in a small terrarium set up with a bunch of fake plants and log hides, etc and two green tree frogs as cage-mates. He's doing great on crickets, but any soft-bodied bug will work just fine. I keep UV on him, though much of the literature doesn't mention it. I have a large, shallow, water area for the frogs, and he'll cruise in it, but I've never seen him actually drink from it so I mist the whole cage down daily. They're a pretty cool little snake, especially for those people who may be against the feeding of rodents. I call mine "The Closest Thing To A Green Mamba I'll Ever Own." :)
