View Full Version : Good god they have legs!

08-28-03, 08:28 PM
I guess these will be the last pics that I post of these guys for a while as I won't have internet right away after we move this weekend. The only updates you guys will be able to get on these guys will be from Babe "G". So anybody who has been keeping up to date on the progress of our little tadpoles should keep an eye on her posts.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. The first one is of the tank that we just put them into tonight so that they can get out of the water. It is just the one we keep the adults in that we adjusted for them. The second is a close up of one of the little ones.




08-28-03, 08:38 PM
Wow Good job!!! Congrats!! Did you count them? How many are left??


Baby "G"
08-29-03, 04:06 AM
No we didn't bother counting them last night, takes to long....but we're pretty sure we didn't loose to many...maybe one or two.

They're sooo cute....starting to resemble frogs now with their arms starting to show.

Baby "G"

08-29-03, 07:31 AM
Aww! So cute! Good luck with them and hopefully all of them will turn into nice, big, healthy adults without you losing any :D

09-04-03, 11:25 AM
Oh cute little guys !! Good job there !! Will keep watching for more updates !!