View Full Version : Most Will Probably Find this Boring....

08-28-03, 02:46 PM
...but for those of you interested in the actually Science of Herpetology....

I just found that this was posted online.

This is the abstract for my thesis at University, it involved estimating age in amphibians from rings of growth in the bones (like a tree) - called Skeletochronology

If interested, read the abstract, It turned out that the entire method (which was generally accepted among herpetologists) was not all that accurate.
So, It could actually change the method that population demographics are complied in the future....I think its going to russle a few feathers in the meantime as well :D

The abstract was presented at Carcnet and the full paper is hopefully being published soon!

Skeletochronology Abstract (http://www.carcnet.ca/english/pastmeeting2002.html#Brooks)

08-28-03, 04:24 PM
Everything has to do with Herpetology is very interesting for me.
I'll read it and i'll post later

08-28-03, 05:24 PM
I had no idea you were studying skeletochronology, exciting work isn't it? I suppose it's safe to say I may be seeing you at this years' CARCNET meeting at Pelee? A couple people from our lab (Lougheed Lab) will be speaking (the abstracts are on the link you provided).
Ryan M Bolton

08-29-03, 08:21 AM
Hey Ryan,
Ya, Skeleto. is interesting, but I dont think you could find anyone that would speak out AGAINST the method as much as I would.
After working on it for 2 years I really saw the flaws in it....its great for ROUGHLY estimating age (very roughly), but if you need an accurate measure, I would not recommend it....nevertheless, your right, its very interesting work.

Im definitely trying to make it to Peele for this years meeting ...however, since Im not participating in it this year and I am getting married 4 weeks after that, Im not 100% sure I have to time to go. But i do really want to, so lets hope so!

...actually, I think your more likely to see me in Kentucky than Pelee :)

Colonel SB
08-29-03, 08:23 AM
Thanks man that is a great article.

08-31-03, 12:27 AM
Wow, that is some really interesting stuff! Thanks for the link Matt! :)

08-31-03, 12:37 AM
...What a frog can do! :D...but i will agree with you Matt...you cannot have accurate evidence.

08-31-03, 09:15 PM
Having problems getting that to open (my computer has been acting up lately) but will definitley read, sounds very interesting!