View Full Version : Only so much i can do

08-27-03, 05:38 PM
i took out the 'problem' for mika to lay her eggs, and she hasnt laid yet .. i am wondering if there is something else preventing her from laying ... any inputs? TRACE? (LOL)

08-27-03, 06:27 PM
werdness .. i found where one of the borrows is ... but it seems as though she didnt lay any eggs ... ? :S

08-27-03, 09:57 PM
Jason you seem to be updating us a bit too much, thefor I can only theorize that you are stressing her out with your presence in the room watcher her. My female veiled will never dig with me constantly walking in and out of the room seeing if she has progressed. Leave her alone for 2 days and see how that goes.

Not saying I don't enjoy the updates, but you may just be getting on her nerves. They are very vulnerable to predators when laying, and if they feel threatened, even by their keepers, they won't risk their life or the lives of the eggs inside her.

Just a thought.

08-28-03, 06:12 AM
lol ... i am actually at work 8 hours a day ... and i only check on them when i am in misting my other animals ;)

Wuntu Menny
08-28-03, 06:16 PM
I keep saying:

Put her in a bucket with nothing but moist sand. No distractions, no other objects, screen over the top, light overhead, no peeking, total privacy.

Ten clutches from 3 different females and not one took over an hour to lay her eggs.

Give it some thought...


08-28-03, 06:53 PM
hmm ... its werid though ... she laid the first one in like 30 minutes .. i provide the same laying conditions and then she takes days to find the right spot, and lays in an hour!

i tried your bucket method a while back when you first suggested it .. it stressed her out so much! she sat on the sand and turned nearly black ... as it is she is not doing well now .. she dropped ONE lone egg on the surface of the soil ... she is awake eyes open, and running around so i dont know what to think of it :(

Wuntu Menny
08-28-03, 07:16 PM
It will stress them out initially. They usually try to climb out or pace around for a while. Once they resign themselves to the fact that there's nothing else to do, they get down to business. You might also try the starter tunnel method I mentioned in the PM I sent you.


08-28-03, 07:30 PM
tru dat ... but after 4 hours ... i was wondering ... i found a second egg she dropped .. so i am definitly looking more optimistic as of now :)

08-28-03, 09:09 PM
WM is right. I tried the bucket thing for the first time this summer, my female turned black and sat in the same spot for about an hour and a half, then I took her out. Then I decided to give it another shot and not take her out till she laid her eggs for me. I had to leave her in there for 2 days (it took her about 30 hours to dig and lay and cover the hole), but she laid her eggs.


08-29-03, 05:06 AM
well right now i cant see her (when i woke up this morning) so i am asumming she is laying .. next time i will leave her in the sand for a ay or 2, and see what happens!

thanks for your help all!

08-29-03, 01:07 PM
Hard not to worry isn't it. ;O) Recheck the moistness of your medium. It could be too dry or too wet for her. I'm just jumping in - do you have an unpotted plant in with her? The do seem to like to dig under the roots.

Is she well hyrated? Those eggs need to stay moist. Enough calcium?

Veileds are funny. Sometimes they can dig test holes for up to 2-3 weeks. Just keep an eye on her (without her knowing it) - any signs of trouble (closed, sunken eyes especially) get her to the vet. :O)

Good Luck!


08-29-03, 02:03 PM
uhh ... it isnt a veiled ... its a dwarf panther :)

thanks for your input though

08-30-03, 06:25 PM
LOL! As your signature would suggest. Duh! How is she today?


08-30-03, 08:32 PM
she laid as far as i know .. she was under for most of the day, and i am assuming she finished ... ti was 9 when she came out, so it was a little late for her to eat, but she looks A LOT skinnier ... thanks for asking :)