View Full Version : Shedding problem

Alex Dew
08-27-03, 02:25 PM
Hey all

I left my house 2 days ago to go to my friends house and when I left my bp was in the "blue" phase. I came back a few hours ago from my friends house and the skin was just coming off my bp head. So I let it and came back about 10 min later and the snake had not moved and the skin was hw it was 10min before. So i put some a little buit of water on him turned of the light it his vivarium and left him for 1hr and when I came back he was STILL in the same place and the skin was the same as before. So I soaked him in his water bowl for about 10 seconds and left him another 30min and when came back to see him he had moved but the skin had notcome off any more.

So, what sould I do???

The bp is 1 1/2ft long and has not eaten since I last feed him about a 1 1/2 weeks ago.



Big Mike
08-27-03, 03:05 PM
It does not always happen quickly...it usually takes awhile.

Just let him do it on his own. If you have spray bottle, mist him & the enclosure. Put in a water dish that is big enough for him to sit in. You could put in a humid hide. Give him something to rub up on...like a rock or some wood.

If the skin is flaking off rather than comming off in one or a few pieces, then you might need to help him out. Soak a pillow case in warm water and then put him into it. Let him move around in it for 30 minutes and then see if the skin is comming off.

08-27-03, 03:10 PM
no offence you sould have told you friend to boost up the humidity when he saw the blue eyes

Alex Dew
08-27-03, 03:24 PM
Thanks guy.

Its 10:30pm over here in England at the moment, so I will give him the night and if he still needs help I will do the pillw case thing.



Alex Dew
08-28-03, 08:28 AM
Well I hae tryed the pillow case thing and it didn't really work.

So has anyone else got any ideas??? (please help me, lol)



08-28-03, 09:04 AM
What is the humidity level inside the cage? If they are too low, then up them a bit. If it is where is should be, i would just wait a couple more days to see if the snake can do the rest of the shedding by himself. If not, or you can't wait those couple of days, you may be able to GENTLY remove the shed from the snake, by squirting water on the snake it will make the shed somewhat loose and then you can GENTLY roll it back all the snake's body, starting at the top, then the sides, then the belly. I had to do this once with my snake and it worked great, now he's shedding normal. Hope this info helped!


Alex Dew
08-28-03, 02:58 PM
Thanks Brian

It's come off the bottom of the snakes head and about 3cm o the skin has come of the belly of the snake (just after the head). But it was not comeof the top ad the sides of the snake at all. it is becoming loose around the nose of the snake though.

So shall I still try an pill it off???



08-28-03, 04:33 PM
Pulling the skin off yourself is IMO a last resort. You may end up pulling off scales if the skin isn't ready to come off. When a ball is in shed, boost the humidity in the cage to about 70-80%, and make sure your snake has a large water bowl to soak in.

Try soaking the snake in luke warm (NOT HOT!)water for about an hour, then use a damp wash cloth to rub the skin off. BE GENTLE!. If the skin doesn't come off easily, then it's not ready to come off! Be patient. Shedding is a stressful time for a snake. By continuing to bother him, you could be making the stress worse.


08-28-03, 09:35 PM
put a wet/damp towl in with him, it's a little rougher than a pillow case.........If he's in a tank put a damp/wet towl over some of the cage.....and keep the towl that way..