View Full Version : Breeding Waxworms

08-27-03, 09:52 AM
Hi, I'm gonna be breeding waxworms but I have a question. How do you get out waxworms if there are moths in the enclosure? Won't they fly away?

08-28-03, 08:14 AM
Ok, I guess nobody knows lol. I have another question... if I make a substrate (out of honey, bran etc) how much do I make? I mean is it just supposed to coat the bottom of the enclosure? or is it supposed to be deep enough for them to crawl into? Gimme the skinny lol


08-29-03, 06:51 PM
I tried breeding waxworms without success. I got packets of eggs, but none hatched.
I know that once they pupate into the moths, they only live a short while. They will be very busy for a couple weeks, breeding and laying eggs. Then die. So no worry about the moths, just don't open the container for that short while.
Then you have to incubate the egg-coated papers. This I can't help you with. But its all written up somewhere. Happy web-surfing.

My honey-bran stuff was about an inch thick. The worms are tiny, I can't see using more than that.
Good luck. D.

Bryce Masuk
08-29-03, 06:53 PM
do a search i found Tons of stuff on breeding wax worms