View Full Version : Want to buy a redtail boa ASAP

08-27-03, 04:00 AM
I currently own a young ball python and I love him to death. I make sure he has everything he needs at any cost, and he does. I have been visiting ***** in Memphis lately and the boa constrictor constrictor's have caught my eye. I have to have one, and am going to get one. The ones at ***** have some very pretty coloring as well as clean habitat's and are consider "Super Tame" and "Great Feeders". I am going to buy one within the next week, I already bought the cage for he/she. I am very anxious to get the snake to where I think about it during the day. May sound nuts, but ever since I bought my Oliver ( Ball Python ) I have a very strong interest in them. I was wondering if anyone had some useful tips on picking a true beauty, according to its color, shape, etc... (I plan on breeding in the future). I am also new to this forum and I really love how everyone shares photo's of their boa's. Any suggestions would be quite greatful. Thanks

08-27-03, 09:55 AM
*****? Eeek. Buy from a breeder. ***** has had alot of problems, and while they may look healthy and clean, until you SEE it eat yourself, they can say they are great feeders all day. Animals from breeders(respectable ones) make much better pets/breeders, as they are healthy and respectable breeders will not sell snakes that are not eating. Congrats, tho, boas are great!

08-27-03, 02:18 PM
Any suggestions on locating a breeder in my area? I live about 7 miles from Memphis, Tennessee so I am sure there are a plethora of breeders. Any suggestions would help. Thanks

08-27-03, 02:21 PM
just search the net, you should be able to find them that way.

08-27-03, 05:21 PM
I agree with BurmBaroness about the reasons ro avoid ***** *****. ***** and other petstores actuallty charge higher prices compared to most respectable breeders. Also, if you can find a local breeder in your area that is great and would be best, but you don't have to limit yourself to just those breeders. You could go to Reptile Shows in your area and have a huge selection to choose from, or you could order online from any breeder in the U.S and have it shipped to you.

Good luck

08-27-03, 06:13 PM
Hey glossOrz, check out this website. I buy 99% of my animals from him, I go to the shop, it is clean, the animals are healhty, and after 4-5 yrs of dealing with them, I can honestly say I am 100% satisfied.


If he doesn't have everything posted on the website, shoot him an e-mail. I was in a couple of weeks ago and he had some awesome baby boas.

08-27-03, 07:40 PM
<B>Just another reminder to leave business names OUT of discussions on the forums. If you need to use names, please stick to PM. </B>

I agree with what everyone else has said. There are enough people working with BCC in the states you shouldn't have a problem finding a nice one. As well as all the ones in chain stores are imports.