View Full Version : gnt day gecko

08-26-03, 09:24 AM
few questions

wht would be better to start breeding with 1.1 or 1.2?

what size enclosure?

what size rubbermaid should hatchlings be in?

how to make an incubator?

how would u provide uv light?

08-26-03, 06:03 PM

08-26-03, 06:27 PM
Day Geckos pair bond and don't really do well in groups. The "outsider" female will be picked on extensively and possibly killed by both of the other cagemates. 1.1 is definately your best choice.

A pair would do fine in anything from a 30 gallon aquarium to a room sized enclosure. They will pretty much use any and all space provided.

I've never kept hatchling geckos (other than Leos and Fat Tails) in Rubbermaids, so I would have no experience share with you on that subject. Back in my <i>Phelsuma</i> breeding days I would use appropriately sized critter keepers for babies.

I've found eggs to be best incubated in a deli cup in my herp room. I always had problems when keeping them in the incubator. Room temps of 80°F give or take 5 degrees should hatch them.

I'm not a strong believer in UV lighting provided adequate nutrition and supplementaion is practiced. A diet of well fed crickets supplemented with MINERALL I worked well for me, and I also provided a honey/water solution once a week or so as well. Calcium is extremely important with these guys, especially with breeding females.

Best wishes,

08-26-03, 06:30 PM
I should add that I also strongly suggest live plants and lots of flourescent lighting for these guys.....The plants provide good nesting places as well as help keep humidity high. Pothos, Sanseveria, Ficus, and bromiliads (orchids if you're really into plants ;)) work very well for these species.

08-26-03, 07:04 PM
If you absolutely want to put them in an incubator Here is a good model: http://www.geocities.com/geckoman93/incubatorf.html

Kyle Barker
08-26-03, 10:11 PM
Some pics of how i have mine setup. I always found pictures help me understand better...So here ya go.

4'Hx2'wx18"d, houses adult pair.
The lighting in the top, 3 18", i lrge energy saver. Also there is a nother 18" half way down at the back for the plants on teh ground.
How i incubate them...
This is how i house the babies. Its a 30 gal hex aquarium, with screen lid... I used to use the kritter keepers, but i always dropped them (the handles dont work to well)

Hope it helps you.


08-26-03, 10:27 PM
kyle, pictures help me too. I really like your set up. With the whole front screened like that, how do you keep the humidity high enough? Do you just mist alot and let the plants do their thing? If you happen to have a better pic of a baby gecko, do you mind posting it? I've never seen one really and they look cute from that one pic :) Thanx

08-27-03, 02:00 AM
I am still learning about giant day geckos but I have managed to get them laid eggs and have two babies hatched recently (about a week ago). I kept the pair in a 2.5 gallon critter box and plan to move them into a 5 gallon tank once they grow bigger. I have some pictures of the babies but I have to wait for my gf's bro to transfer them into the computer when he has time. I'll post some pictures when I get them. :D

Edited: Question for Kyle Barker and Niagara Reptiles, or anyone that knows how to answer this question: How do you transfer the babies from the incubator to a tank or from tank to tank? They move too quickly and I had a lot of trouble catching them. Luckily I didn't lose any of them. I use a small fish net and a stiff cardboard. Are there any other better ways to move them around? I have to clean out their critter box in a few days and I have no idea how to do it. =(

Kyle Barker
08-27-03, 04:33 AM
This guy just shed yesterday, and hatched 8 days ago.

To take them out of the incubator i just place the deli in the cage with the lid off. They crawl out and you take the deli out...

To catch them i use a deli cup (or any type of tub). When they are on the glass i place it over top of them and slide a thin peice of plastic under it (like some people do to catch spiders in their house). Then you dont risk tearing their skin...

When its not so late and i have time to do it, i'll post a bunch of pics of babies...maybe tomarow

08-27-03, 09:10 AM
thanks guys but no 1 noswhat size rubbermaid or how to provid uv in the rubbermiad.

btw pictures do help hanks

08-27-03, 09:38 AM
do the male and female have to be separated.

08-27-03, 12:22 PM
edited: grammer

Wow, that's adoreable. Looks just like mine. :D

There's a better chance that they'll mate if you seperate them once in awhile. My female is gravid right now and I have seperated her from the male to avoid further stress and to give her a different diet because she will be needing a lot of calcium.

Kyle Barker
08-27-03, 12:50 PM
Once you have a pair that get along i wouldnt seperate them at all. I have had this pair together for 2 years, and she always lays 8+ clutches a year...

I screwed up on the last pic, its not the same animal... That one shown was taken a couple months back when it was 2 1/2 weeks...

08-27-03, 02:17 PM
how bout this for a rubbermaid i was thinking it didn't have enough height tho

5quart=12 3/4L x 7 1/2W x 4 h

its in inches

Kyle Barker
08-27-03, 05:10 PM
If you make the lid/top see through, then seting up is identicle to an aquarium. Have lights over top of the lid, have some air flow, plant it up... Very similar to aquariums, except you can drill stuff into plastic way easier. The dissadvantage is you wont be able to see the that well. Im not sure what else your wonderin..That answer?

08-27-03, 05:23 PM