View Full Version : Rogers cable internet users! You MAY have a virus!

08-26-03, 09:07 AM
Matt K and I have been receiving virus emails from some one on the rogers network. The virus or worm spoofs email addresses (not hard to do) from the person's address book. The computer that is sending both Matt and I these infected emails is using the ip address and thus it's probably some one from sSnakeSs as Matt and I don't know anyone in common outside of sSnakeSs.

Now if you're on rogers you should check your ip address to see if you are infected. To do this in windows click on Start, then click on run, in the box that pops up type in "command" with out the quotes. You will see something like "C:\Windows" or the like. Here you want to type "ipconfig /all" and look for If that number is there you need to get your computer cleaned. If it's not there you probably aren't infected but it's still safe to check by going to http://housecall.antivirus.com and doing their free scan.

Actually everyone would benifit from going to that site and doing a scan, not just rogers users.

08-26-03, 09:27 AM
I, luckily did not have the virus, (at least not this time), but I thank you for keeping us up to date on these types of matters.

08-26-03, 09:37 AM
you beat me to this post Lisa.. I have scanned my system three times since 1am out of Paranoia that it may be my system thats infected, even though i dont have an address book and all signs point to someone else other then me. Im deleting atleast 5 contaminated emails every 10 minutes, its getting rather annoying.. :(

Greg West
08-26-03, 10:08 AM
Im getting it too but I have not even looked at them to see where they are coming from. Most of the time they are coming from somewhere that they really aren't anyways, so I didn't bother to try and find out. It is really annoying. I think in the last 4 or 5 days I have got it about 80-100 times.

Damn viruses. If they made you get a liscence to use a computer and you knew what you were doing, then these viruses would be pointless. They only seem to infect people who don't know what they are doing, and annoy everyone else. The only one I had been hit with was the last one, which did not transmit through e-mail and installed itself.


08-26-03, 10:13 AM
Well it seems there's a new IP added to the list. Use the same way as before to find out if it's you.

08-28-03, 04:01 AM
I got two virus from people on the site who I've never gotten email from before. Members better have their anti-virus stuff updated.

08-28-03, 04:17 AM
I'm clean! but thanks for the tip lisa!

08-28-03, 04:19 AM
You should educate yourself about computer security. There is a huge rash of malicious activity on the net right now. All the first year computer science students getting bored over the summer I suppose. Most of the code is substandard and relatively harmless, mainly annoyances. If you get one, don't panic, investigate and take steps to eradicate it. The site at http://symantec.com/ is an excellent place to get the scoop.