View Full Version : thinkin about it

08-26-03, 05:39 AM
well ive been thinkin about geting a comon boa for a little wile and i just whant ur tips and advice about geting one, and what size tank a adult would need???

08-26-03, 12:06 PM
Most adults will do fine in an enclosure (not tank) measuring 4(L)x2(D)x1(H) or 5x2x1. If you want to add decorations then you will want to go longer and taller, as those are just the minimum requirements. Make sure you buy from a reputable source to avoid any possible problems such as parasites, disease, trouble feeders, etc. Can be variable in temperament, so if you want a handleable snake your best bet is to get a neonate. These snakes are fairly easy to keep... no more difficult than your ball python ;)

08-26-03, 12:39 PM
I got my first common boa a few months ago. Her name is Toaster. She's a hisser when you first try to get her out of her enclosure, but after that..she's a doll. She's in a 10/15 gallon rubbermaid right now, but I'm building her an enclosure that is 5x2x2, complete with hide box built in under the enclosure. I can't wait to be finished with it!

08-26-03, 01:08 PM
5 x 2 x 2 I'd say would be the bare MINIMUM for a MALE boa, and only a male. Although a snake *can* exist in an enclosure that they have to fold themselves in half for, I think it's kinda cruel to make them do that. I'm putting my male boa in a 6 x 1.5 x 1.5, and if I get a female, I'll be building her an 8' enclosure that will take up literally the length of the small herp room we have. Although boas don't move around much, I've found that they will use the space you give 'em. So why not give them more if you can?

08-28-03, 05:58 AM
yeah ive been doing a jig-saw with my room trying to find space, i know my bp is soon going to be moveing into the living room, would extra hight help, if i put in a few strong branches and logs.i could do 6ft long by 3 ft deep and 4 ft tall, thats my maxem size, (i have a feeling ime going to have to sleep on the floor) o and what thiknes of glass would i need???

08-28-03, 01:09 PM
For glass thickness, 1/4" (5 MM) would be, again, a bare minimum. Go thicker if you can. Beware though, most tracks only carry up to 1/4". And get TEMPERED glass. That is a big must for a large snake. However, the bottom line is, if a 7 foot boa decides the glass must go, it's gone. :)

01-09-04, 03:56 PM
ime planing on trying to cnvince my mum to let me get one, the tank size i could build (when its adult) is about 5x3x3-4 hows that????

01-09-04, 04:46 PM
For a male that would work for sure.

01-09-04, 06:14 PM
What a great topic...My husband and I were just talking the other day about what size enclosure to build Butter when s/he gets bigger. I have no clue if Butter is a male or a female though. Would 7' x 2' x 2' be big enough for either male or female (what ever s/he turns out to be)? I'm actually thinking about going taller because s/he does like to "play" on the branches that are currently in the 10 gallon tank I have her/him in. (Butter is very much a small baby still being s/he was just born Oct 30, 03).

01-10-04, 01:09 AM

Not sure on your experience in boids and large boids at that or the actual boa your are interested in. Meaning from a good source or petstore and so on.

But if experience is low adults would be a NO NO NO, just because in most cases they are set in there ways already and if taken good care of then there ways are very easy.

As for other thoughts younger boas are a better bet, you learn as they learn and complications are much lower.



01-10-04, 12:23 PM
o no ime not going str8 for geting a adult boa, ime geting a baby i was wondering what size for when he grows up, just so i know i have the space to keep him

01-10-04, 12:29 PM
(sorry for anuther post so soon) i think i have enuf glass to build a 5x3x3-4 then sectioning part of it of so its section is about 3-4ft long then as it grows moveing the divider back and back then takeing it out? would hat be ok, if i can i could stretch the lenth of the tank to 7ft i think, but il have to play tetris with my room to find a place for my desk (or just get rid of it) :D a very l8 happy new year

01-10-04, 02:13 PM
thats could deffinatly work although you would have to test your temps and humidity everytime you move the devider so you can get your temp and humidity gradients right.....but it could deffinatly work ........good luck


01-10-04, 02:55 PM
I keep my big female in a 6X2X2

01-10-04, 09:59 PM
yeah i know that ill have to re do the heating, i think i might (by then) have a spair heat mat and then ill just buy i big heat pad to put in the tank whens s/he's all grown up.

01-16-04, 06:04 PM
just a update, ime hopefully geting to work on the tank some time next week, allready got the glass, just need the wood (wond a old cabnet with some slideing doors so ime going to use the glass from that) i was just wondering if i could use a
"60 W conical ceramic heat lamp" on a dimer switch with a digital un/out max/min thermometer to heat the tank, it will be beter than haveing to buy a new heat mat every time i move the divider.