View Full Version : Problem, please help !
08-24-03, 12:49 PM
my one baby that did not have a big appetite just pooped something weird. firstly, i'll say that i have seen some of their poop since i got them, and it is fairly small when dry.
this poop was long, i mean like over a half inch, it was brown, smelled bad, and appeared to have tiny worms? in it? but they were not moving.which could have also been cricket inards from when he ate some crickets(not sure what it all was) then i saw that his butt was kind of prolapsed? i mean some of the rectum from inside was outside the body while he pooped. so i helped with a paper towel, to get the poop out, and i set him on the edge of the water dish. he got a drink and took a step forward, , and i saw a small drop of blood had been where his butt had been.i am scared that something is wrong, and i wonder if that poop was something other than poop. if so, he is probably going to die, but i think it may have been an intestinal problem? what do you think i should do? he looks healthy, alert, and seems fine, but i wonder what just happened?
Sould take that poop and have it checked at a vet. If he has parasites, then it's almost 100% certain that all other reptiles that have been in contact with him will have them.
08-24-03, 01:37 PM
so how do i treat for parasites? there are no vets in my area that treat Reptiles, and i am wondering if there is anything over the counter that is safe?
Unfortunetly, there is'nt that much over the counter. The 2 main products sold for internal parasites when it comes to geckos is flagil and panacur. Now depending on the type of parasites he has, it would be one of the 2. That is why it is important to always get a stool sample examined as soon as you buy a herp. It can be expensive but can save you a lot of problems.
nematodes are treated by panacur. I do not know what are the worms your reptile has so you should get it checked.
08-24-03, 01:57 PM
well, like i just said, there are no vets in my area who do Reptiles. so for now i cannot call anyone, since it is sunday. i work for a wildlife rehabber who said it is probably some sort of pinworm. i guess i will have to look around for a reptile vet.
08-24-03, 02:52 PM
Call whoever you bought them from and tell them your problem, didnt you just get your cresties recently, did they give you a guarentee of good health?? Hope its nothing, good luck!!!
08-24-03, 06:23 PM
the company i ordered them thru has a great rep, but they are only guaranteed for 24 hours. so if i call and say my gecko has pinworms, they might not care.I may call them, anyway to see if they would guarantee the Gecko if it dies.
I was able to find a vet clinic that sees Reptiles, and was even open on Sunday to take my call. so i have an appt for thursday, but i am scared that he won't make it. not b/c of the parasites but b/c of the slight blood in the rectum. i hope no infection sets in. The vet did not seem too worried about it, and said thursday would be ok. so i have to pray that Pepper holds out a while.
Rusty is doing great, and has even eaten some babyfood/gecko diet mix, but Pepper did not want any when i fed him, so i just kept putting it on his nose until i was satisfied that he had a good mouthfull.
Well, even tho i saved money by using this dealer, i will be spending money to have my babies checked and treated by the vet. so i basically did not save a lot of money. However, i did learn a lesson, to find a Reptile vet BEFORE you buy your reptile, and have it checked for internal parasites as soon as you can.
Moonlight Pets
08-24-03, 06:43 PM
Yes I would get that check out as well.
If the breeder only gives you a 24 hour guarantee and they are closed on Sundays that isn't very fair to you because something WAS wrong, but you just couldn't get a hold on them. A 24 hour guarantee isn't very long at all. I would talk to the breeder and come to some type of agreement.
I would try to make a trip to the closed vet. If you call they will just tell you to bring in a sample anyway.
How old is the baby crested?
Moonlight Pets
08-24-03, 06:48 PM
Good luck and I hope things turn out good for you. If you see the prolapse again, make up some warm sugar water and soak the prolapse with a very wet paper towel. This is NOT a treatment, but it has been known to help and keep the area moist. Then get the the vets ASAP.
Again I hope things work out.
08-24-03, 06:52 PM
Probably, the lizard had not shed completely the last time, old skin would be stuck on the bat and now it pooped maybe 2-3 previous feedings.
As for the worms, since you don't have a Herp vet around...(i have the same problem)...where are you from?
I would suggest you use panacur but you have to do it right.
Send an email to a vet and try to explain the situation.
08-25-03, 10:46 AM
i am not positive that the dealer only had a 24 hour guarantee, but i doubt they cover internal parasites. the soonest the vet can see me is thursday,at 8:30 in the morning. I was just wondering if anyone knows the dosage(pancur/fenbendazone) per weight for the Crested geckos like how much do i give a baby that is about 3-4 weeks old?
08-25-03, 03:46 PM
Ok, i called a breeder in California who was afraid to give out that kind of info, b/c of liability issues, but gave me the number of the vet, so i called and the vet said usually he gives 100mg per kg of weight . but i have also read some things on the net after i talked to him, that said anywhere from 25mg/kg to 100mg/kg. so hopefully the vet where i take them know what they are doing, at least i have an idea of how they need to be treated if those are the parasites they have. i kept the poop(yuk) and the nasty wormy thing, so it is in the refrigerator(YUK again) and will be checked.
Pepper seems ok, today, but did not want a cricket. Rusty took a cricket right in front of me. I don't think Rusty has worms, but might as well treat for them, since they share an enclosure for now.i know that his appetite will return after the treatment- i once had a baby burmese that was not eating and we had to have him tube fed meds and he got better and ate like a pro, so hopefully that will happen with Pepper, too.
Originally posted by reptilesalonica
Probably, the lizard had not shed completely the last time, old skin would be stuck on the bat and now it pooped maybe 2-3 previous feedings.
As for the worms, since you don't have a Herp vet around...(i have the same problem)...where are you from?
I would suggest you use panacur but you have to do it right.
Send an email to a vet and try to explain the situation.
Do not tell someone to sue panacur if you do not know what worms it has. Panacur will treat nematodes and there is flagil taht treats other parasites. If he gives panacur to his crestie and the worms it has aren't nematodes, then he will only weaken the lizard and make it a sure death.
08-25-03, 06:13 PM
i would not try to treat the geckos myself, but i did want to know what dosage was correct in case it was pinworms. i do not know what type of worms it was, so of course the vet will diagnose, but in where i am from, there are not many vets that i would count on to know about Rhacodactylus. so if the vet says that the geckos do need Panacur, i can talk to him about the dosage. i would never try to treat my animals unless i had a microscope, a biology degree on Parasites, and access to meds. I have none of those 3 things, so to the vet we go...
I think you should seperate the two asap. Rusty may not have problems now but there's still a chance that it will get infected. Also, try to contact the place where you got the pair from. You may or may not get your money back but at least they will know the problem exists and may do a check on their animals and prevent it to spread.
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