View Full Version : Heating Methods For GTP?

08-23-03, 11:53 PM
I will probably be getting a GTP in the future and I was wondering how you guys heat yours and what you think is the "best" way to do so. Thanks!

08-24-03, 08:45 PM
What type of enclosure would you be keeping it in? I know people who have had good success using heat tape on the back of the enclosure.

08-24-03, 08:51 PM
I am also looking for ways to heat GTP enclosures.

-Where can I get heat tape from and how does it work?

08-24-03, 08:54 PM
I will most likely be using BARRS caging.

08-25-03, 08:12 AM
Which size of the Barr's caging will you be using? the smaller one, I forget the size, I've seen quite a few ppl just use 8" dome lights. And the bigger one, you could go that route or even get a heat panel installed. The Barr's cages are really nice for the money.

08-25-03, 08:36 AM
RHP all the way!

08-25-03, 07:19 PM
Radiant Heat Panels are great once you've got them set up in their adult cages... for babies, a dome light will work, or heat tape/heat pad...

Check this site out, Greg has a great care section :) http://www.chondroweb.com/fineGTPs/Care_sheets.html#PROPER%20CAGING%20AND%20ENVIRONME NT

08-25-03, 07:22 PM
Greg Maxwell's stock is awesome. I'm hoping to get my first pair from him, sometime early next year (or whenever available after that time). :D :D

08-26-03, 08:30 AM
Yes Greg does have some awesome animals. He has some really kick @ss pairings planned for this upcoming season. I better start saving my pennies now!

Julian Garcia
09-05-03, 02:47 AM
here is a good site about wiring heat tape.
you can pick some heat tape from here

Colin Jennings
09-06-03, 01:58 AM
I have been using 25 watt light bulbs in winter and 15 watt light bulbs in summer for years. This method works well for 2 x 2 wood boxes with sliding glass fronts, just make sure you have a thermometer in the cage and have the lights on a timer.