View Full Version : Show your piebald
I'd love to see your piebald pictures
Corey Woods
08-23-03, 07:30 PM
Here is my pair of pieds (male in shed on the right and female on the left) with one of the het pieds produced from my male. My male pied produced 26 het pieds this year.
<img src="">
Corey Woods
08-23-03, 07:34 PM
nice Cory very nice!!!!!!
Wow gorgeous!!! They got some really nice colors!!
08-23-03, 09:54 PM
Hey corey.......I just KNOW you want to send one of those beauties my way right! lol!. Absolutely GEORGEOUS!!!! Do you sell the het babies? If so how much!!!! I might be interested in one in a few years! When my BP'S are of breeding age/size...
David Kwok
08-23-03, 10:56 PM
Here is my Pied, 1200 grams.... Can't wait to breed his guy!
<img src="">
08-23-03, 11:28 PM
Wow David very nice speciman.
now that is a ball i would like to have
Out of curiosity, how much do those cost? They are sooo enthralling!
David Kwok
08-23-03, 11:56 PM
I got mine for free...
I don't know what Corey paid for his..... :)
08-24-03, 02:41 AM
free?!?! How did you pull that off, David?!
08-24-03, 05:11 AM
price depends on the amount of whit on the snake, some range from the high hundreds to the ten thousands! though really worth the price if you ask me!
08-24-03, 05:25 PM
Those are so cool looking! :)
08-25-03, 01:05 PM
I'm not a huge BP fan, but the piebalds are just plain neat! What a weird aberrancy... looking like someone stripped their pattern off with an eraser. :)
08-25-03, 10:59 PM
give me 34,000$ and i will show you a pick of mine.;)
Corey Woods
08-26-03, 08:57 PM
Saphire_Moon - I do have a couple 100% het Pieds available. Email me or check the classifieds for more details.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
PS I have a lot invested in my pied projects......26 het pieds definately helps recoup some of that money!
does anyone know if its even possible to produce those that are completely pied? like all white nothing else??
08-27-03, 04:14 AM
Totally AWESOME PIEDS!!! that is my Dream snake! One day I'll have a few! Thanks for posting those pics! Beautiful!:D
Corey Woods
08-27-03, 05:20 AM
You can never have a pied with a pure white head. The most white you can get is the head and a little bit of the neck....and that's it.
Why? Is it just that it hasn't happened yet and doesn't look like its going too? Or is there some specific reason they don't have white heads?
Corey Woods
08-27-03, 03:04 PM
It's just the way the gene works. The way I understand it is that the pigment is removed from the skin and it starts from the brain and works it's way down the body. For some reason the head can never get the pigment taken out of it....only from the neck down.
That's really odd. Thanks for the answer.
08-27-03, 07:04 PM
yeah, if all of the skin was white, then it would be luecistic, and luecistic bps are like male calico cats, if it happens they are geneticaly unstable, and die soon after hatching
Corey Woods
08-27-03, 10:58 PM
All of the lucistic ball pythons produced in captivity (to date atleast 8 specimens) are still alive and doing well. Their has also been about 10 come out of Africa of which 1 died soon after hatching.
08-28-03, 12:04 AM
OMG!! i want a piedbald ball python SOOO bad, but i dont have 8-16 grand laying around my house!!!! lol, i envy you! soooo sooo bad
Snow BPs are really kewl looking and are all white with blue eyes? First one in captivity was just recently hatched mixing a axnthic with an albino if im not mistaken?
Corey Woods
08-28-03, 05:19 AM
I believe their has been 5 snow balls produced.....they are white and yellow with red eyes.
08-28-03, 06:40 AM
sorry for the wrong info corry, thats what i heard at a show, but coming from you i beleive it
08-28-03, 08:38 PM
Just an FYI..........male calico cats, though extremely rare, are only flawed by being sterile and unable to reproduce. Other than this they can live perfectly normal and long lives. :)
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