View Full Version : jus curious..

08-23-03, 12:38 AM
i have a clutch of king snake eggs, there was 6 in total, one turned out to be a dud, but i went into the incubator to check them, and i noticed that one went bad......was attracting bugs, it was gross, i changed everything, but the good eggs in a new container with fresh vermiculite and made sure there was no bugs on them. this is my 1st clutch of anything, the eggs are 6 weeks old....what happened to that egg?? the rest seem fine, i rarely handle them cuz i am so paranoid, i just peek once in a while to make sure they are ok. is it possible that the blackout caused it?? its really depressing as there was a partially formed snake in it too.....:(

08-23-03, 12:42 AM
Well, a drop/increase in temps could have done it. Mold could have, not enough/too much humidity. But more than likely it just died. Happens sometimes.

Good luck with the rest of them!

08-24-03, 10:50 AM
it may have just been infertile, sometimes it happens.. if the rest look ok after 6 weeks they should be ok if you keep everything in proper conditions.. Dont worry to much!! good move on changing the container/substrate in case anymore bugs remained. good luck with the rest.

08-24-03, 07:08 PM
How do they attract bugs? What kind of incubator setup are you using, because with my incubators, its hard enough for AIR to get in or out, let alone living organisms (bugs etc etc..).

08-25-03, 11:18 AM
i've got an aquarium set up, with water on the bottom and submersible heater, my containers have airholes in them....is that wrong?? the containers are on bricks. everything i read i thought there was supposed to be some sort of ventilation. i may have left the egg in too long for bugs to have gotten in there, i wasnt sure if the egg was bad or not, it was turning an off white colour-ish, it was weird, this is my first clutch of eggs, i thought that bad eggs turned yellow.
if i am not supposed to have airholes tho, i will change it. this was my first breeding attempt, i thought that having as many reptiles as i do i should try

08-25-03, 06:58 PM
I don't use airholes in the incubator itself, but yeah, all it takes is a female insect that's gravid and your eggs can be crawling with baby bugs.