View Full Version : non herp pets?
I hope I'm not asking something that's been asked many times before but I'm curious: what non herp pets do you all have? I have three cats and one freshwater and one saltwater aquarium.
08-22-03, 12:31 AM
Hi there not a bad questions other than boas and pythons and some friends monitors, I also keep and raise with my fiancee 30 plus pairs of parrots and 2 king dobermanns as well as a few horses for a friend while on vacation.
I just helped my father set up a 300 gal salt aquarium of lion fish and tangs, his favorites.
08-22-03, 12:39 AM
Well i have.....
1, Rottie
1, Pitt Bull
2, cat's
08-22-03, 12:41 AM
the family pets are a bichon, a conure (bird) and a lovebird. my snake is the only one that I own myself and that lives with me in CT.
08-22-03, 12:45 AM
I have 3 cats :)
Bryce Masuk
08-22-03, 12:51 AM
I have a cat he is about 8-9 and he acts like a kitten its funny
I have a texas cichlid and i was in the progress of building a 180-240 gallon tank (i still am not sure how big i want it) I have a bunch of glass but i am to damn lazy to do anything with it
Jungle Jen
08-22-03, 01:21 AM
I have a Bullmastiff, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Jack Russell X Chihuahua, 4 cats, 2 ferrets, 1 prairie dog, fish, and I don't know if they count but I have a cage of cockroaches. :D
2 cats, 1 dog, 2 degoes, 1 bird, many fiss.. oh and scorpions... thoose are the family pets :P
08-22-03, 04:28 AM
A golden retriver, a black cat and fish.
08-22-03, 05:16 AM
I have two dogs, a cat, a rabbit, and two degus.
08-22-03, 05:31 AM
I have a dog named Cocoa and 2 cats named Jake and Angel.
2 dogs: 1 boston terrier & 1 retired greyhound.
4 tarantulas
a bunch of rats :D
08-22-03, 06:14 AM
i have a beagle(ladybird)i keepa the kennels as she's best friends with the rotti there and i have a chow chow (kasha) she's a rescue and a australian cattle dog (dingo) and not to forget my daughters siamese cat (cloe) but she stays at my parents as she'll eat the snakes ect
08-22-03, 06:28 AM
1 dumbass cat (my best friend in the world though)
2 ferrets
1 red belly pirahna
2 scorpions (both H. Spinifer)
A ton of tarantulas :D
08-22-03, 06:32 AM
I have a Siamese (cat), a cockatiel, a ferret, and a litle fish.. :P
lol ;)
08-22-03, 06:37 AM
Just a cat, or should I say "a little ******* of a cat" named Pedro. But my gf loves him, and I guess I do too, the little *******.......
08-22-03, 06:42 AM
I have a Bull Mastiff (Duke) and 2 Siamese cats (Hey You and Who?Me)
08-22-03, 06:45 AM
7 Dogs, 5 Cats, 1 Ferret, 1 Cockateil, 3 Rabbits, 4 ducks, 2 Goats, 3 Sugar gliders, 1 Scorpion, 2 Chinchillas, loads of mice, tones of rats, 15 Chickens, 8 Hamsters, 6 Gerbils, 3 Japanese Quail, 6 Button Quail, 5 African Giant Land Snails and some Brazilian and hissing roaches
Thats our little family beside the herps.. :D
08-22-03, 06:55 AM
2 cats
Some freshwater fish. I've always wanted a dog though :mad:
Ferret would also me cool o>
08-22-03, 08:13 AM
Ummm nothing the closest thing i have to a non herp or a furry pet is my rose hair t. Everything else is cold-blooded. unless you wanna count the animals that are upstairs but aren't mine or my boyfriends. Theres dumb a$$ the cat (thats his real name) harley a rescued grayhound, and evey a lab and great dane mix ( she's a kennel dog the got this year and she is a HUGE pain in the but).
Skink Keeper
08-22-03, 08:29 AM
I have 1 dog 2 cats 2 parrots a pond full of fish a sugar glider and an jardini arowana.
08-22-03, 08:41 AM
2 cats (Levi & Java)
3 mice (Snickers, Twix & Oreo)
1 saltwater aquarium
1 betta
:) The rest of the "zoo" is all herps... lol...
3 cats, 1 german sheppard. Tank of fish (convicts, oscars and a green terror.) In a tank by himself a monster sized red devil, his name is Hanibal. He has killed or attacked any and every fish that has ever been in with him.
08-22-03, 10:01 AM
Let see...
1 dog (a husky)
36 tarantulas (not including the babies)and more on the way
21 scorpions
03 centipeds
1 Quaker Parrot
3 Budgies
A tank full of tropical fish (freaswater)
A tank full of fancy goldfish...some are the size of a man's fist!
I'm allergic to furry things.
08-22-03, 10:10 AM
Shiba Inu!
08-22-03, 10:26 AM
a rat (my love), a silky terrier, two cats, and some fish :D
08-22-03, 10:50 AM
ooh bellydraggers: quail are SO cute!! i dont have any myself, but we have a couple at college XD aaaaww! i will hopefully get some if i can convince my dad to let me have an aviary!
my pets: tropical freshwater fish tank with, platty's, a gourami, clown loaches, khuli loach, rummy nose tetra, a wierd little hillstream loach and two corys! all are PETS not just part of a "collection" of fish, they all have names XD
two rats, called baby and ratty (how original)
i also have one koi in the pond which is mine, well, half mine...
on old black evil turned good cat:) she has been mean for 13 years of her life, now shes old and senile at 16!
one very wierd german shepherd
and my dads pond full of koi :)
oh, and my sister recently aquired a gender confused hamster called hamish! O.o
1 dog, 3 cats and a huge sellection of rats...
08-22-03, 12:17 PM
I have a beta fish, cocker spaniel, yorkshire terrier, and american longhaired cat. :)
08-22-03, 01:01 PM
I have the greatest dog in the world! Her name is Shallie and she has at least beagle and border collie in her, probably more. My sister also has three mice: Spots, Pebbles and Caramel.
Here is a pic of Shallie last winter (
And here is a pic of her with my neighbor! :D (
08-22-03, 01:45 PM
I have 5 dogs 2 cats fish 12 horses 3 rabbits 2 birds
Well thats my zoo
08-22-03, 01:49 PM
Ive got two cats that i love a lot. There already old but very smart. Heres a pic of one of them, The one i like a little better named max.
08-22-03, 02:07 PM
oh geez....i have
2 huskies
7 cats (not including the ones for sale)
2 ducks
6 chickens
1 horse
1 mynah bird
1 cockatiel
1 mountain coatimundi
1 patagonian cavy
3 Egyptian spiny mice
2 African pygmy mice
2 hedgehogs
2 tarantulas
1 scorpion
some fish
i think thats all of them....
Holy cow ladyhawke! Does someone pay you to take care of them!!! If I had the finances, I would like to have an array of pets as well.
<u>Bubbles</u> - dog: I technically have my mom's dog. She is very small and old. She is a "muppet dog". Hanging in there though!
<u>Tochtli/Rita - dog</u>: My dog who lives with my bf. There are pictures of her in my gallery if you want to see. She is a chihuahua-hound miracle mix.
<u>Dozer - rosy boa</u>: My 1st snake. He's so sweet and gorgeous!
<u>Anoushka - BP</u>: My 2nd snake. I got from a kid who did not want her anymore.
<u>Lizard</u>: I think I'm going to name him Hermes. I just got him last month.
OOH, and I really want a crow. But that's just too much for me right now, plus I don't know if you can domesticate those kindly.
08-22-03, 02:36 PM
technically yeah i do get paid to have the great majority go on my shows
and i am always adding more!!
08-22-03, 02:36 PM
We have
3 cats
1 dog
lots of fishes
and pretty soon will get some sugar gliders
08-22-03, 03:32 PM
Invictus. :p
08-22-03, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by TheRedDragon
Invictus. :p
08-22-03, 04:16 PM
Argh, you hump somebody's leg in a drunken stupor ONCE, and all of a sudden they think you're their pet. Ugh.
Bryce Masuk
08-22-03, 04:39 PM
Damn i cant belive i forgot The dog's.... we have 2 skip's They have the most anoying bark you can imagine. I guess that's why they used them on barges old school boat alarms and the fact they Seek and destroy all rodents
You know how there are child tax credits, shouldn't there also be pet tax credits? :-) That would sure come in handy for some of us!
08-22-03, 06:04 PM
*LOL* Pia! I agree, at least then Invictus and I can claim for 14 pets! *L*
Originally posted by TheRedDragon
*LOL* Pia! I agree, at least then Invictus and I can claim for 14 pets! *L*
Well if you register a pet related business you may be able to write off dog food, cat food, snake food, etc. :)
Oh here's pics of some of the critters....
08-22-03, 06:54 PM
Lisa, you have such cute animals! I especially love your rodents! :)
08-22-03, 09:17 PM
Other than my herps I have............
2 Dogs, Bull and Riskin.
Bull is a Bandogge and Riskin is an English Springer Spaniel.
Here is Bull.........
08-22-03, 09:24 PM
This is our only furry pet.. Pinky..
She looks like a gremlin
lets see, I have;
2 cats(peppermint and rain)
2 dogs(lhasapoo and beagle/bodercollie)
1 ferret
10 pet rats
6 mice
2 gerbils
3 spiny mice
1 duprasi
1 betta
tank of fresh water fish
6 dwarf hamsters
08-23-03, 12:06 AM
3 cats
1 beagle/blue tick
1 fresh water tank
4 rats
08-23-03, 11:50 AM
OK. Guess I'll take a turn here.
My family (besides hubby & 2 kids) :
a horse
3 dogs
2 cats (with some little ones on the way)
2 rabbits (hoping some little ones are coming soon)
a chinchilla (looking for a mate)
a hamster
a goldfish tank
a tropical tank
a fry-raising tank
a toad
a gecko
9 snakes
plus many feeder mice & insects
08-23-03, 12:21 PM
I have:
1 lab X whippet dog (jasmine)
2 cats (patches and mercedes)
3 hamsters (cinnamon, sammy and toby)
3 rats (C.J., Ratatta, and Ben)
1 Gerbil (jack) (lives at my friends house for breeding)
1 Bunny (Diamond)
1 occelated skink (Sammy)
1 leopard gecko (Lana)
4 iguanas (Marigold, Iggar, Drakie and Mugs)
2 Bearded dragons (Seth and Freddie)
1 Kenyan Sand boa (kenya)
2 Ball pythons (Cuddles and Striker)
1 Columbian Red Tail (Big Red)
1 snow corn (Casper)
2 Red albino corns (Jam and Java)
1 Ghost Corn (Chesney)
1 Garter snake (Garter)
1 Black African Millipede
I've had a bit of everything in the past, including raising several species of native birds. Currently the non-herp members of my family include:
Charlie, long-haired Jack Russell Terrier
Elliott, Charlie's insane nephew
Polly, English Setter
Little *******, WC cat
Slimer & Gozer, snails
Zoe, horse (last remaining as I have gotten out of the sport in recent years... she's for sale)
Toid & Spux, spiny mice breeders (I've decreased my spiny mice down to the original pair, but they do occassionally breed, I do not wish to keep the babies nor can I take it to seperate them either... if anyone wants the current baby, or any future offspring, they are free to a good home... thanks goes out to Siggy and Silke for opening their homes to my babies!)
1 rex-coated pet rat
(150 feeder rats and a bunch of mice as well)
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