View Full Version : Aquatic Frog

Alex Dew
08-21-03, 03:21 PM
Hey all

I resently bought a second hand Vivarium for my ball python but when I got it, it came with an Aquatic Frog and I need it get rid of the Frog. I was thinking of just giving it to my local reptile shop.

BUT my main question is how much is it worth???

(Its about 3inchs, it looks like a toad and it has a beautiful green pattern on its back)

And does any from this site want i for free?????



Alex Dew
08-22-03, 03:07 PM

09-08-03, 03:47 PM
Sounds like a firebelly toad to me. Does it have an orange/red underside?

09-08-03, 03:58 PM
If it is a firebelly toad, you better clean the tank over and over again. In fact, what ever it was, you better disinfect the aquarium with a diluted portion of (eau javel) what ever it is in english, doesn't come to mind at the moment, and water. Clean it, rince it, do it again and rince again.

09-09-03, 03:12 PM
Good plan! Eau javal = Bleach. :)

09-09-03, 08:40 PM
Try putting up an ad in the classifieds... maybe someone will be willing to take it off your hands. Too bad most of us are overseas, but there are still quite a few members from your side ;) Good luck with finding a home for the little guy :thumbsup: