View Full Version : Choosing between a BP and a BTS...

08-21-03, 11:53 AM
Ok....I want a new pet, and I am debating between a blue tounge skink and a ball python....what are the pros and cons of each? I want something friendly and likes to be taken out of its cage.

Skink Keeper
08-21-03, 12:16 PM
I have 5 bts. I don't know about the pros and cons of each but bts are my fav. mine are layed back so i can take them out and they have such a varied diet. It all depends on what ur looking for but i'm all about Blue tongues. Ball pythons are cool too, i have one, but im a big fan of skinks. You can see of pic of my male bts in the gallery

08-21-03, 07:36 PM
BP's are great. Not all are picky eaters. If you get a good CB baby then it will be fine. My male can always be handled...no matter what.......even RIGHT after he eats..(not advisable, I only do it when ABSOLUTELY necessary!) BTS I'm sure (not completely so don't quote me on this I do not own a BTS) have to have a UVB lighting and all that.....which for me is to complicated right now......like skink keeper said it all depends on what you want...there are some amazing morphs of BP's out there....

08-21-03, 07:40 PM
BP's are great. Very gentle and easy to handle.

08-21-03, 07:44 PM
I dont really like BTS..they look like there arms were cut off or something and that they have no spines..lol..anyways i think you should get a ball python. My friend has a ball and he loves it more than all of his 5 snakes so i guess there really awsome snakes. good luck with whatever you choose

08-22-03, 11:26 AM
I think it all depends on what YOU like. Which of these two animals do you prefer? I think you should look at a few care sheets and compare the pros and cons yourself! To find good caresheets just do a search on www.google.ca for "Blue tongue Skink" and "Ball python". The reason I think you should do it your self is because no one knows what animal will fit your criteria better than you!

Good luck on your search!