08-21-03, 11:47 AM
hey there,
im a rescue of iguanas here in southwestern ontario. I am experiencing something i havent really watched in my own iguanas before. We brought in an iguana and our big male took notice. however the other one we brought in was female. SHE gets on top of the big male and bites the crest of the male. and they chase eachother. what can i do about this as they are both free roamers..they get along but sometimes the female chases the male and bites the crest.
im a rescue of iguanas here in southwestern ontario. I am experiencing something i havent really watched in my own iguanas before. We brought in an iguana and our big male took notice. however the other one we brought in was female. SHE gets on top of the big male and bites the crest of the male. and they chase eachother. what can i do about this as they are both free roamers..they get along but sometimes the female chases the male and bites the crest.