View Full Version : Holy *****

08-21-03, 10:55 AM
This is some crazy stuff, because there are too many toads. Yesterday i was running and i just avoided squishing this huge toad. But today i was running and i heard and squishy/crackly noise and i look down and this huge toad jumped in my path. it got all over the bottom of my foot but man theres too many toads!

08-21-03, 10:59 AM
This is why we need more Hognose breeding programs. =P
Where abouts are you anyway? And do you know the species?

08-21-03, 12:36 PM
Every time it rains at night here I see hundreds of toads trying to cross the road. Next day the streets look like a mass toad execution.

08-25-03, 01:44 PM
Ewwwww poor toad, that's tasty :eek: Wish we had a lot of toads around here, we used to, I haven't even seen one this year :confused:

Simon R. Sansom
08-26-03, 03:08 PM
We usually see at least one toad in the garden, but there have been none this year.
Rather a shame.


08-26-03, 03:13 PM
same here in england when it rains they all get squished, sometimes i go and collect as many as possible though!!! :D

08-26-03, 03:13 PM
Wow we have had lots of toads in our garden this year. Everything from like 3-4 inches to thumbnail sized little guys!
