View Full Version : Hello All Snake Lovers....
08-21-03, 12:16 AM
Hey all. I am new to this board, i have read thru most of the posts though. I do not have a snake at the moment... the parents dont want one in the house , figures doesnt it? lol In any case i still have interest in learning about them etc. I happen to notice that the latin names for the snakes tend to get used a lot.... i do not know latin (to speak it or spell it), any tips on how i can learn/memorize which snake is which by the latin name? thanks
Brittany >(
08-21-03, 12:22 AM
oh you will learn alot here if you stick around long enough.
welcome to the board
08-21-03, 12:22 AM
Welcome Brittany to the site :)
08-21-03, 12:36 AM
welcome to the site! as for the latin names - you just have to learn and memorize them as you go. that's what I've been doing, anyway :D
08-21-03, 12:57 AM
hey, welcome! my parents were wary about a snake, too (luckily i don't live with them). i think the fact that you're doing a lot of research will help convince them...just give it time.
anyway, glad to have ya on the board! ;)
08-21-03, 10:23 AM
LOL, I took Latin for 4 years in high school and I still can't remember all the latin names i see in here, but like others have said, if you stick with it, you will start to remember!
Oh and welcome! hehe
Hey Brittany welcome aboard.
08-21-03, 05:19 PM
Thanks for welcoming me to the board everyone! : ) Its nice to see that i am not the only one that doesnt know all of the latin names. Oh just curious does anyone on this board live in Ohio?
Brittany, welcome to sSnakeSs, there are a few people from Ohio here, try posting in the general forum looking for some.
08-22-03, 06:44 PM
Welcome to sSnakeSs! :)
08-23-03, 11:56 PM
Welcome to the site, Brittany :)
08-24-03, 12:12 AM
Welcome Brittany, i think that most herpers in US don't use latin names. Well, i love latin names, they sound beautiful to my ears :)
With time you will learn all those names that you care for.
If you love herps, you will maybe find yourself doing the most weird things...
I study biology and genes on my spare time :)
08-24-03, 12:19 AM
welcom abord! i wouldnt worry about latin names. you just kinda learn as you go. once i read an artical about a snake about 3 times i got it down! the only problem i have is the pronosiation. i know what the word looks like and i can spell them (to an extent, but when u read it u get the general idea) but i can pronouce them well at all. one of the resons latin names are imoprtand is that snakes common names differ from country to country for instance uhhh.... the neotropical rattlesnake is known localy as the "Cascabell" ... i think (correct me in i am wrong) but welcom to ssnakess and i am going to shut up wile i am ahead! :D
08-24-03, 11:03 AM
Welcome to sSnakeSs :D
08-28-03, 06:36 AM
Welcome to the site! Your gonna have fun here!
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